SAP Program HMXLACTRM0_CE - Termination

Termination program

This program performs all necessary actions required for thetermination of an employee or group of employees, either in test orupdate mode.
The termination options are distributed in four different tab pages:
General control
Within this tab page the user can select the general aspects of thetermination logic. The following sections are availabe:
Process: The check boxes here allow to select the process the userwants to execute, either in a test or update modus.
Special features: The check boxes in this section allow to modify and/or constrain the processes selected.
Action Data: This block is shown only when the Master Data check box inthe Process section is marked and only if the Only fired employeescheck box in the Special features section is not selected. If an actionis specified, a country specific BAdI is executed. It may modifyinfotype Actions (0000) and other infotypes.
Termination Data: This block is shown only if the Master Data check boxis selected in the Process section and the Only additional paymentscheck box in the Special features section is not selected. It containstwo fields:
- Termination type: For employees that already have a record at thesame date, the existing one will be used and a warning will bedisplayed in the termination log.
- Termination date: Date of termination (last active day). For thoseemployees who already have a termination record (action typetermination) in infotype Actions (0000), this date will be ignored andthe last active day from infotype Actions (0000) will be taken astermination date.
Additional payments
In this tab page the user can specify payments for termination, apartfrom the ones connected to the termination type (if existing). This tabpage is only active if the Master Data check box in the General controltab page has been marked. If additional payments are specified, theprogram automatically maintains the corresponding infotypes.
Payroll control
This tab page is active only if the Payroll check box in the Generalcontrol tab page is selected. In this tab page the user can specifynecessary information to run payroll.
Time Management
Compensation: the information entered here is used to maintain infotypeTime Quota Compensation (0416). It is active only if the Master Datacheck box of the General Control tab page is selected.
Quota transfer: In this section the user can specify the absence quotasto be transferred to infotype Absence Quotas (2006). This informationwill be filled in infotype Quota Corrections (2013). Infotype AbsenceQuotas (2006) will be updated only if the Time evaluation check box inthe General control tab page is selected.
Time evaluation: It allows to specify the schema to be used.

When interactively run, the program generates a list that displays theprocessed employees. This list shows the following information:
Status: Indicates the degree of success in the processing of eachemployee. Termination date used for each employee.
Payment date: Indicates the final payment date.
Term.payt.: Shows the total amount of termination payments for theemployee. The list of payments displayed here can be customized bymeans of a BAdI (see implementation guide for this).
Net amount: Shows the net payment to be received by the employee.
The following buttons are available on the application toolbar:
Term Log: Shows the log of the whole process for all the employees.
Grand Total payments: Displays total payments done to all employees.
Print Letters: Prints the termination letters for all employees thathave been processed succesfully.
Payroll Log: Shows the payroll log for a selected employee.
Payments: Displays the termination payments for a selected employee.
Letter: Shows the termination letter for a selected employee.
Time Log: Shows the time evaluation log for a selected employee.
If the program is run via batch job, a main spool is generatedcontaining the same information shown in the termination log. At theend, a list of possible secondary generated spools will be shown.