Purpose The report enables you to generate a list of details on INFONAVIT(Housing Fund) and FONACOT (National fund for workers' commercialcredits) credits. Integration This report lists all deductions and differences that have occurredIN> the selected payroll periods. The report output reflects all the remuneration statements of theselected payroll periods and is equal to the result obtained for wagetypes /381 (INFONAVIT) and /382 (FONACOT) after running the Wagetypes program> (H99CWTR0) and selecting the checkbox View inpayroll periods>.Prerequisites There must be current INFONAVIT and/or FONACOT credit for the employeein the INFONAVIT/FONACOT Credit> infotype (0370).Output
- INFONAVIT credit deductions> list.
This list displays, among others, the following columns: Balance>: Last balance in payroll results of the selected period. Total amount paid>: Total amount paid IN> the selectedpayroll period. It may differ from Amount> less Balance >, in the case of retroactive accounting.
- Payments> list
This list displays, among others, the following columns: Process Period>: ,,- If the entry does not> come from retroactive accounting: TheProcess Period> field is equal to the In Period> field. ,,- If the entry comes from retroactive accounting: The ProcessPeriod> is the period in which the retroactive accounting was paid. Payment>: Total amount for the selected In Period>(including retroactive accounting differences).