SAP Program HMXCFOVPBS - Report of discounts for FOVISSSTE credits

This report takes the information relating to discounts for FOVISSSTEloans from the payroll results. The report generates the data files bypayroll period that must be submitted to FOVISSSTE, for the discountsapplied. In addition, a Check Numbers report is generated throughSmartForm, and either this report or the files are downloaded to a localdirectory.
For the current payroll period, the report generates a Regular Payrollfile; for retroactive accounting, the report can generate one or moreReversal Payroll or Off-cycle payroll files, for each relevant payrollperiod. Reversal or Off-cycle Payroll files will be generated if, duringarrears deductions processing in retroactive accounting, you specifythat differences in arrears tables are to be accepted.
There are three main types of FOVISSSTE loans ( Fixed FOVISSSTE MortgageLoan, Increasing FOVISSSTE Mortgage Loan, Minimum Salary FOVISSSTE Loan)and insurance against damages. An employee can only have one type ofFOVISSSTE loan at any one time. If a discount for damages insurance isto be applied to a FOVISSSTE loan, you should specify this when youenter the loan type.

In order to execute this report successfully, you must include functionP0756 in the payroll for processing discounts for FOVISSSTE credit. Thecall to this function is contained in payroll schema MXP0. During thepayroll process, information relating to the discounts applied will bestored in the payroll cluster, in tables RT and LNCT. You must alsoensure that master data for employees with a FOVISSSTE credit record ismaintained correctly.
The report does not support out-of-sequence reversal.