SAP Program HMXCFIC0 - Calculation of theoretical taxable income

This report allows you to calculate the fixed payment for loans atpreferential rates for employees.
In order to make the report, as well as the SAP standard selectioncriteria, you can specify the following:

  • Wage type

  • Tax table type

  • Month and year (period)

  • Loan type

  • Deduction for single fixed payment type (infotype 0267)

  • Deduction for extra fixed payment type (infotype 0015)

  • Payment date

  • Type of Processing (Test)
  • Output
    The possible outputs are:

    • Report on fixed payment generated from loans at preferential rates.

    • Batch Input Process in order to insert information in the single fixed
    • payment type (0267).
      • Batch Input Process in order to insert information in the extra fixed
      • payment type (0015).

        If you wish to know the fixed payment for loans at preferencial ratesto company employees.
        You must select the corresponding wage type, the tax table to be usedand the period that you would like to calculate (month/year). Also youcan specify the loan(s) type that you wish to calculate.
        In order to create the information report, the test field must beselected, if not, it will be made in the Batch Input mode.