SAP Program HKRULQC0 - Generate leave quota compensation

This report lets you compensate those unused absence quotas for anindividual employee or an employee group.
The remained quotas are saved as records in the Time QuotaCompensations Infotype (0416).

To run this report, you:
Select a period or a specific date under the first heading Period. You can use the Person selection period to define a keydate or period for which absence compensated is entitled for allemployees assigned to that cost center.
Enter the selection criteria: personnel number and time recordingadministrator.
When you maintain the compensation date under the headingCompensation information, the compensation date you specifiedshould be in accordance with the payroll date if you want to compensateremained time quotas during the leave compensation payroll run.
You further specify the compensation type (T556U) that you want toprocess. Otherwise, all remained quota will be taken into generationaccording to your settings for time quota compensation type.
Then you choose from the following Generation type:

  • A batch input that is generated during the program run and can be run
  • at a later time.
    • Direct generation, the new or changed infotype is updated directly.

    • Run by record.

    • Run in the test mode. You can use the output list to check the result
    • before the actual data transfer.
      Execute the report. The result appears.