SAP Program HKRSEPR0 - The separation payment tax receipt

This report lets you print employee's separation payment receipt thatconsists of data maintained in the Separation Payment infotype(0538), calculation details and tax payment details.

Before you run the Separation payment tax receipt report, youshould
have maintained data in the Separation Payment infotype (0538)for each employee who is eligible for separation payment.
have run off-cycle payroll for the employee, with an off-cycle reasontype "0009" and bonus date as the start date of the SeparationPayment infotype (0538).


To run the report, you
enter the relevant selection criteria: personnel number, and/orpersonnel area, personnel subarea.
specify the run date period. If you only maintain the begin date, SAPsystem will set the end date exactly the same as the begin date.
select the output way according to your requirement. Since year 2004,there is a new DME format required by National Tax Service(NTS), thisformat is valid for employees who have middle-separation payment beforeand have honorable payment for recent separation payroll run.
If you select the DME as the output way, you need to maintain:
home tax ID
department of submitter
name of submitter.
These information is required by NTS since year 2004
specify your own form name if necessary.
execute the report.

There are two kinds of SAPScript Form and Temse file layoutrespectively. One is applied for Year 2000, the other is for Year 2001.The selection period must be during the same year, the period acrossdifferent year is forbidden, the format would be selected based on theend date in "Period Selection" of report screen.
Since the legal change of year 2004, there are two formats provided forboth Receipt print and DME.
For the employee who has run middle-separation payment before and hashonorable payment for current separation payroll, you select "Receiptpint" under the Output tab and select "Tax refundment for honorable pay(Yes)" as script for printing receipt; select "Data medium filecreation(Format with honorable pay)" when generating the DME file.
For other employees, select the Receipt pint under the Output tab and"Tax refundment for honorable pay (No)" as script for printing receipt;select "Data medium file creation" when generating the DME file.

351062CRTs for HR-KR+CN (on R/3 4.6C)