SAP Program HKRCPTX0 - The payment certificate of earned income tax

This report lets you print out the detailed payment certificate ofearned income tax based on payroll results of the previous yearstarting from the specified month.


To run the Payment Certificate of Earned Income Tax, you:
Enter the relevant selection criteria: personnel number, personnel areaand personnel subarea.
Specify the final tax paid month.
You also enter the following information:

  • Whether you want to print the form based on the actual tax pay date

  • The print form you want to use; you can use the defualt form or enter
  • your own form name
    • Purpose of certificate

    • Submitting to which tax office

    • The number of certificate to be issued

    • Tax pay date

    • Choose Korean(Hangul) or English as the printing language.
      Execute the report. The Payment Certificate of Earned Income Taxappears.