SAP Program HJPUJU_DEPINF - Update Dependents' Information

During regular monthly payroll and Year End Adjustment payroll, theemployees with dependants can get deduction before taxation. The amountof deduction is determined by the dependant's age group.
You use this report to check the age of each dependant, and update thevalue of age group in the Family Member/Dependents infotype(0021) if age increase results in any change in age group.

You have entered information of employee's dependants correctly in theFamily Member/Dependents infotype (0021).

You can create batch input files to update infotype collectively both onthe selection screen and output screen.
For more information about the batch input file, see Managing BatchInput Sessions.

You need to make a decision on which age groups are to be checked andupdated.
The following fields have default values as follows:
Employment status - not Withdrawn
Selection Period - current month of the system time

All the information of the selected dependants is listed on the resultscreen, including the old and new age group. If any existing data isincorrect, the report displays the previous wrong information and thecorrection.
The result is grouped in the following categories:

  • Undecided

  • Displayed when you select the Choose Dependants to Be Updated fromResult indicator on the selection screen. In this case, you canselect records and decide the new age group by choosing the followingoptions:
    Move to 'Old Person'
    Move to 'Old Person in Same Place'
    • Old person

    • Displayed when you select the Update to 'Old Person' indicator onthe selection screen
      • Old person in same place

      • Displayed when you select the Update to 'Old Person in Same Place'
        indicator on the selection screen
        • Special dependent (start) - Display records of dependant child
        • between 16 and 23 year old
          • Special dependent (end) - Display records of dependant child over
          • 23 years old
            • Correction - Displayed only when a correction will be made to the
            • existing record
              If no record exists in a category listed above, this category isinvisible.

              To access this report on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose HumanResources --> Payroll --> Asia/Pacific --> Japan --> Subs.activities -->Per payroll period --> Reporting --> Update Dependants' Information