SAP Program HINUUPCF - HR-IN:Claims Balance upload program

Upload program for Claims Processing (HINUUPCF)

This function enables you to upload the employee information from alocal file such as Microsoft Excel to the SAP system. This informationis used for processing and enabling payments made for claims made byemployees for a reimbursement or perk.

This report reads the employee details stored on a Microsoft Excel textfile, in the tab delimited format and automatically updates the systemwith information such as:

  • Date when the claim was made

  • Tax code for the claim

  • If the claim was carried forward
  • Selection
    You can restrict the selection criteria, based on an individual or arange of personnel numbers.

    The system updates the employee data on the SAP system.

    Ms. Shanthi, who is an executive working in the accounts section of hercompany, needs to update and verify the claims made by employees forvarious reimbursements and perks on a weekly basis.
    The claim details are recorded by her secretary on an Microsoft Excelsheet as and when the claims are made by the employees.
    To update the system, Ms. Shanthi runs the Upload program forClaims Processing once a week and specifies the Microsoft Excel fileto achieve her goal in an effecient manner.