SAP Program HINUSALARY_INCREMENT - Basic - General Increments

This report performs a batch update of the Basic Salary wage type in theBasic Pay infotype (0008), to update employee's basic salary dueto annual or promotion increment.

You must have maintained the IMG activities under:

  • Payroll India -> Basic Salary for India

  • Payroll India -> Employee Self-Service (ESS) ->
  • Increment module


    The report performs the following checks on the selected employeerecords.

    • Checks in case of an Annual or Promotion releated increase in salary

    • The system performs the following checks:
      Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances
      The system checks the current Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances of theselected employees. If this Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances is thesame as that entered by you on the selection screen, the employee isselected.
      Increment Effective Date
      The system checks whether the increment Effective Date entered onthe selection screen lies within the last split of the Basic Payinfotype (0008). If it does, the report selects the employee record forbatch update
      Basic Salary Increment infotype (0902)
      The system reads the infotype to check:
      - For a valid record on the Effective Date entered on theselection screen, and if for this record the value of the Relevantfor increment field is X. If the record exists with therequired value as X, the report selects the record for batchupdate.
      - If the Increment done indicator is blank. This means that thesystem has not performed the increment earlier for the given incrementperiod. If it so, the employee is selected.
      - The Withhold type options. If No Withhold option isselected, the employee is selected. If Cummulative Withholdoption is selected, the system should give increment to the employeein the next payroll period, so the system creates a new record inBasic Salary Increment infotype (0902) with the validity begindate incremented by one period.
      Employee loss of pay
      The system calls the BAdI: Calculate Lossof Payment (LOP) Periods Business Add-In (HRPBSIN_ CALCULATE _LOP),maintained by you to calculate the employee loss of pay. In cases wherethe current number of loss of pay periods is more than that number ofloss of pay periods calculated for the previous year, the report updatesthe infotype record with the new loss of pay periods. It also incrementsthe validity begin date of the record by the number of loss of payperiods.
      Basic Code and the Method Type
      The system reads the Basic Codes for Allowance Groups table view(V_T7INB5) to determine the Basic Code and the Method Type maintainedfor the Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances. Based on the Basic Code andthe Method Type, the system reads the Basic Slabs table view(V_T7INB7) and determines the employees salary slab. If the currentbasic pay of the employee is the less than the upper limit of thehighest slab, the employee is selected.
      • For promotional increment

      • In addition to the checks mentioned above for the annual and promotionalincrement the report performs the following checks specifically forpromotional increment :
        The system reads the Appraisal Criteria table view (V_T7INB8) toretrieve the age maintained for the Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances towhich the employee belongs. If the age of the employee is more than thatmaintained in the Min. Age field of table view, the employee isselected.
        The system reads the Appraisal Criteria table view (V_T7INB8) toretrive the minimum experience maintained for the Pay Scale Grouping forAllowances to which the employee belongs. If the experience of theemployee is more than that maintained in the Min. Exp field oftable view, the employee is selected.
        Appraisal points
        The system reads the Appraisal Criteria table view (V_T7INB8) toretrive the appraisal points maintained for the Pay Scale Grouping forAllowances to which the employee belong. If the appraisal points of theemployee is more than that maintained in the Min. Apr. Pointsfield of table view, the employee is selected.
        Confirmation status
        The system reads the Appraisal Criteria table view (V_T7INB8) toretrieve the confirmation status maintained for the Pay Scale Groupingfor Allowances to which the employee belongs. If the confirmation statusof the employee matches the status maintained in Confirmed fieldof table view the employee is selected.

        Calculation of the New Basic Pay
        To calculate the new basic pay of the employee the system:
        Reads the Maintainance view for Basic Pay wage types table view(V_T7INWTY_BASICP) and determines the wage types
        Reads the Basic Wage Type for Allowance Modifiers table view(T7INB1) to determine the Basic Salary and Personal Pay wage typesmaintained for the Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances to which theemployee belongs.
        Reads the Basic Pay infotype (0008) to determine the currentvalue of Basic Salary and the Personal Pay wage types.
        Reads the Basic Codes for Allowance Groups table view (V_T7INB5)to determine the Basic Code and the Increment Method maintained for thePay Scale Grouping for Allowances to which the employee belongs.
        Reads the Basic Slabs table view (V_T7INB7) to retrieve thesalary slab, increment amount, percentage increment and percentagemethod based on the Basic Code and the Increment Method type and basicpay amount of the employee.
        Calculates the new basic pay of the employee based on the IncrementType. If the increment type is:
        For annual increment:
        - If the Method Type is Increment by Amount, the systemadds the increment amount to the current basic pay of the employee tocompute the new basic pay.
        - If the Method Type is Increment by Percentage, thesystem reads the Basic Slabs table view (V_T7INB7) to retrievethe type of percentage method based on which it calculates the new basicpay. The system then adds this computed basic pay to the current basicpay to compute new basic pay of the employee.
        For promotional increment:
        - Reads the Increment criteria table (T7INB9) to determine the number ofincrements maintained for the - - Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances ofthe employee.
        - Reads the Appraisal Criteria table (T7INB8) to determine the incrementoptions for the employee.
        - Calculates the employee's new basic pay based on the incrementoptions.
        Calculates the stagnant increment if the new total basic pay exceedesthe maximum defined limit.

        Infotype Update
        On execution, the report displays a list of employees eligible forincrement along with their current basic pay and the new basic pay. Toexecute the increment cycle for the selected employees choose theIncrement or the Promote. The system updates the followinginfotype record:

        • Basic Pay (0008)

        • The system updates the infotype record with the new basic pay andstagnant pay, if applicable.
          • Basic Salary Increment (0902)

          • In case of annual increment, the system creates a new record having thevalidity begin date as:
            Validity begin date = date of increment + one year
            It also marks the Increment Done indicator field as X. Incase of promotional increment, the system marks the Increment Done
            indicator field as X and the person with administrativerights has to manually create a new record for the employee.


            • Select the payroll period.

            • Enter the employee selection criteria.

            • Enter the date from which the increment has to be effective.

            • Enter the Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances of the employees to whom you
            • want to give increments in the Basic Salary.
              • Select the type of the increment
              • Output
                The Basic - General Increments output screen lists all theemployees eligible for increment. Against each employee, the outputscreen displays details such as their ID, name, current salary details,and new salary details. On this screen, you can select the requiredemployees and choose the Increment or the Promote buttonto process increment for the selected employees. The system creates abatch session. You can execute this batch session to update theBasic Pay infotype (0008).

                RESET N1
                To access this report on SAP Easy Access screen, choose HumanResources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific -> India ->Utilities ->
                The Basic - General Increments report screen appears.
                Enter the relevant selection criteria.
                Choose Program -> Execute.
                The system displays the Basic - General Increments output screenwith lists of eligible employees.