SAP Program HINUNEWHIRES_MIL_STAT - Ex-Servicemen Status Report

This report enables you to monitor the number of ex-serviceman employeeshired during a time frame. It does this by displaying the followingvalues for the selected roster IDs:

  • Total number of employees recruited in the organization during a period
  • specified by you.
    • Percentage of ex-serviceman employees recruited in the organization
    • during a period specified by you.


      • Selection Objects section:

      • Specify the Object Type. The Object Type can be one of thefollowing:
        - Company Code
        - Organizational Unit
        - Roster Object
        Specify the Object ID for the selected Object Type. Youcan specify multiple Object IDs.
        • Reporting Periods section:

        • Specify the time frame for which you want to display the attributes ofthe selected roster IDs.
          • Logical File Names for output section:

          • Specify the logical path for storing the output of the report.

            When you execute the report, the system displays the Ex-ServicemenStatus Report screen. This output screen has the following sections:

            • Ex-Servicemen Status Report from to Date> section:
              In this section, the report displays the following details for selectedroster IDs:
              Company attributes like Company Code, Company title.
              Organizational Unit attributes like Organizational Unit Code,Organizational Unit title.
              Roster attributes like roster ID, roster title.
              Roster point attributes like roster point ID, roster point title,sequence number of roster point, reservation category of roster point.
              Employee attributes like employee ID, employee title, ex-servicemanstatus of employee, military status of employee, hire date of anemployee.
              • Summary Report section:

              • In this section, the report displays the following details for selectedroster IDs:
                Roster ID
                Total number of employees assigned to a roster ID
                Total number of ex-servicemen employees assigned to the roster ID
                Total percentage of ex-servicemen employees assigned to the roster ID
                Choose App.Log option on the Ex-Servicemen Status Reportscreen to display an application log. The application log displaysthe following details:
                • Errors occurred during the execution of this report.

                • List of roster points for which data could not be displayed.
                • Activities
                  To access this report, on the SAP Easy Access screen chooseHuman resources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific ->India -> Utilities -> Roster -> New Hires asEx-Servicemen.
                  Enter the relevant selection criteria.
                  Choose Program -> Execute.