SAP Program HINULOAN_REQ_ESS - List ESS Loan/Repayment Requests

This report displays details of loan and loan repayment requests createdthrough Employee Self-Service (ESS) based on the selectioncriteria specified by you.

Enter the relevant selection criteria.

The report displays the List Loan and Repayment Requests screen.This output screen displays the following information for a request:

  • Employee and approver details such as their ID and name

  • Request details such as loan type, request date, reference number,
  • compensation method, request status, payment mode, approval status,request error

    To access this report, on the SAP Easy Access screen chooseHuman Resources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific ->India -> Utilities -> Loans ESS -> ListRequests.
    Enter the relevant selection criteria.
    Choose Program -> Execute.