Purpose This report determines and updates relevant infotype records forapproved leave encashment requests. Prerequisites You have maintained the customer specific calculation method fordeterming the date for infotype update. You can do so in the IMG underPayroll India> -> Employee Self-Services> -> LeaveEncashment> ->BAdI : Determine InfotypeUpdation Date>Features Use this report to perform the following activities:
- Calculate date for updating infotype records
The system calculates the date based on customer specified calculationmethod for determing the date for infotype update. You can do so in the IMG under Payroll India> -> EmployeeSelf-Services> -> BAdI : DetermineInfotype Updation Date>
- Update infotype record
The report updates the following infotypes based on the payment mode ofthe leave encashment request: Time Quota Compensation> infotype (0416) for leave request havingpayment mode as regular Time Quota Compensation> infotype (0416) and AdditionalOff-Cycle Payments> infotype (0267) for leave request having paymentmode as off-cycle
- Database update
The report updates the Status >and Error> field of theLeave Encashment Transaction> table (T7INLEAVE_EN_TR) as follows: Status> as I> (Initial) and error field as S >(UpdateSuccessful), in case of successful update of infotype records. Error> field as E> (Error in Update), in case ofunsuccessful update of infotype records.Activities To access this report, on the SAP> Easy Access> screenchoose Human Resources> -> Payroll >->Asia/Pacific> -> India> -> Utilities> -> Leave Encashment> ->Update Infotype Records for Leave Encashment Requests>. The report displays the following values in an application log:
- Employee ID
- Employee name
- Company code
- Leave type
- Compensation method
- Request date
This is the date on which the employee created the request.
- Request status
- This is the status of the request for example, New, Partially Approved,
- Approver name
- Approver ID
- Request status change date
- Approval status
- Payment mode
Whether the request is to be paid through off-cycle.
- Reference number
This is the unique system generated identification number of a request.
- Request error
Indicates that there was error during infotype update