SAP Program HINULEAVE_ENCASH_LIST_REQ - List Leave Encashment Requests.

This report displays details of the leave encashment requests createdthrough Employee Self-Service based on the selection criteriaspecified by you.

Specify the selection criteria for leave encashment requests.

The system displays the following values on the List LeaveEncashment Requests output screen:

  • Employee ID

  • Employee name

  • Company code

  • Leave type

  • Compensation method

  • Request date

  • This is the date on which the employee created the request.
    • Request status

    • This is the status of the request, for example, New,Partially Approved, Approved.
      • Approver name

      • Approver ID

      • Request status change date

      • Approval status

      • Payment mode

      • Whether the request is to be paid through off-cycle.
        • Reference number

        • This is the unique system generated identification number of a request.
          • Request error

          • Indicates that there was error during infotype update.

            To access this report, on the SAP Easy Access screen chooseHuman Resources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific ->India -> Utilities -> Leave Encashment -> ListLeave Encashment Request.
            Enter the relevant selection criteria.
            Choose Program -> Execute.