SAP Program HINUINFU - INPS: Infotype Update Report for Advanced Claims

This report enables you to display:

  • Approved request created through Employee Self-Service (ESS),
  • based on selection criteria and update the relevant infotypes for them.
    • List of requests for which error(s) occurred during infotype update and
    • update the relevant infotypes for them


      • Infotype update

      • The report updates the following infotypes based on the type of request:
        Loans (0045) infotype for advance requests that have the paymentmode as regular or off-cycle.
        Loans Payments (0078) infotype for claim requests created againstan advance request and having payment mode as regular or off-cycle.
        Additional Payments (0015) infotype for claim requests:
        - Created against an advance and having payment mode as regular oroff-cycle
        - Not created against an advance and having payment mode as regular
        Additional Off-Cycle Payments (0267) infotype for:
        - Claims request not created against an advance and having payment modeas off-cycle
        - Advance requests having payment mode as off-cycle payroll
        Exemption (0582) infotype for requests that have tax exemption.
        • Send mail

        • After successfully updating relevant infotypes, the report sends a mailto the employee to notify him or her of the status of the request.

          On the selection screen, you enter the following data:

          • Information about your company, payroll period, payroll area, employee
          • detail
            • Execution mode of the report

            • In the Report Execution Mode section, select any one of thefollowing modes:
              Infotype - Update Mode (No User Interaction)
              Select this mode, if you want to update the relevant infotype recordswithout any user interaction
              Infotype - Update Mode (User Interaction)
              Select this mode, if you want to first display all the relevant recordsand then select records relevant for infotype update.
              Infotype - Resolve Error & Update Mode
              Select this mode, if you want to display the list of requests for whicherror occurred during infotype update.

              The system displays information on the output screen, based on yourselection criteria on the report selection screen. If you have selected:

              • Infotype - Update Mode (No User Interaction) option, the system
              • updates the relevant infotype records.
                • Infotype - Update Mode (User Interaction) option, the system
                • displays the list of requests based on the selection criteria. You canthen select the relevant requests and choose Infotype Updatepushbutton to update relevant infotype records for them.
                  • Infotype - View Erroneous Records & Update option, the
                  • system lists all the requests containing errors. You can then select therelevant requests and choose Infotype Update pushbutton to updaterelevant infotype records for them.
                    The system displays the following information for each of the abovementioned execution modes:
                    Success messages for infotypes that were updated successfully
                    Error or warning messages for infotypes that were not updatedsuccessfully
                    Errors during execution of this report

                    To access this report on the SAP Easy Access screen chooseHuman Resources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific ->India -> Utilities -> Advanced Claims.
                    The system displays the INPS: Infotype Update Report for AdvancedClaims screen.
                    Specify the selection criteria for claims or advance requests.
                    Choose Program -> Execute.
                    The system displays the output screen based on your selection criteria.
