SAP Program HINUESI0 - ESI - Monthly Eligibility Report

Monthly Eligibility Report (HINUESI0)

This function enables you to display and print a report that providesinformation to identify employees who have become eligible tocontribute towards Employees' State Insurance (ESI) and those who areno more eligible to contribute.
Based on the results of this report, you perform the necessary actionssuch as delimiting or creating new records in the Other StatutoryDeductions infotype (0588), Subtype (0001) for ESI.


  • You must have a record for each employee in the 'Basic Pay' infotype
  • (0008), Organizational Assignment infotype (0001) and 'PersonalData' infotype (0002).

    This report can be run any time of the year, but the rules applied forthe months April and October are different from the processing for other

    For the months (April and October):

    • No check is done on payroll results

    • It only checks eligibility for ESI and existence of a record in
    • Other Statutory Deductions infotype (0588), Subtype (0001)
      If the employee is found eligible and a record does not exist inInfotype (0588), Subtype (0001) for the employee:
      It includes the employee in the start contributing list.
      If the employee is foun d ineligible and a record exists in Infotype(0588), Subtype (0001) for the employee:
      It includes the employee in the stop contributing list.

      For the other months:

      • Checks if payroll results exist for the employee.

      • If payroll result does not exist:44
        The assumption is made that it is a new employee.
        Checks for eligibility and existence of a record in Other StatutoryDeductions infotype (0588), Subtype (0001).
        If the employee is found eligible and a record does not exist inInfotype (0588), Subtype (0001) for the employee:
        It includes the employee in the start contributing list.
        If the employee is found ineligible and a record exists in Infotype(0588), Subtype (0001) for the employee:
        It includes the employee in the stop contributing list.
        If payroll results exist for the employee:
        • It proceeds to check for further eligibility such as;

        • If the employee contributed during the first month of the period
          If the employee contributed in the first month of the ESI contributionperiod and then becomes ineligible, attributing to factors such aschange in pay and so on, he or she has to continue to contribute tillthe end of that period, as per the legal requirements. In case theemployee started contributing in any other month of the period andbecomes ineligible, then he or she can discontinue contributing.
          Checks for eligibility and existence of a record in Other StatutoryDeductions infotype (0588), Subtype (0001).
          If the employee is found eligible and a record does not exist inInfotype (0588), Subtype (0001) for the employee:
          It includes the employee in the start contributing list.
          If the employee is found ineligible and a record exists in Infotype(0588), Subtype (0001) for the employee:
          It includes the employee in the stop contributing list.
          Based on the results of this report, you take the necessary actionslike delimiting the Infotype records, manually.
          It is possible to delimit records in the Other Statutory Deductions
          infotype (0588), Subtype (0001) for ineligible employees at thebeginning of each contribution period by running theBatch program for ESI report.

          You can restrict the employees selected by entering individual or arange of:

          • Personnel number

          • Payroll area

          • You must enter the date to indicate the period for which the report isto be run.

            The output is a list of employees who are eligible to contributetowards ESI and those who are not. There are no updates to thedatabase.

            DCS Pvt. Ltd. recruits a batch of ten people. Mr. Ajay is the only newemployee who earns less than the current statutory ESI limit. Thus, asMr. Ajay qualifies for ESI contributions a new record has to be createdfor him in the Other Statutory Deductions infotype (588), Subtype(0001) for ESI.
            On confirmation of employment, Mr.Ajay's salary increases to more thanthe existing statutory ESI limit of 6,500. This disqualifies him fromcontributing to ESI. Thus his existing record ESI infotype has to bedelimited.
            Running the Monthly eligibility report generates two lists to indicateemployees who:

            • Start contributing

            • Stop contributing.

            • The employer then creates or delimits the ESI infotype record, asappropriate.