SAP Program HINUDNUP - System Interface with EXCEL (Download from IT8/Upload into IT15)

Utility program to download data from IT0008 and appraisal points fromappraisal model, and upload data to IT0015.

1. To download Basic Pay from IT8 and Appraisal points into an Excelfile.
2. To upload data from an Excel file to IT15.

1. The excel file should be in 'text tab delimited' format for uploadto happen.
2. Appraisal model should be present and the appraisal done for theemployees for whom the program is being run.


Selection is only on personnel number

1. Running the program to download data from IT0008 and gettingappraisal points from the appraisal model and saving this in anexcel file in "tab delimited" format.
2. Calculating bonus amount based on the excel obtained above andsaving the information in the same excel.
3. Running the program again to upload the bonus details to IT0015 fromthe excel file.

1. Downloading Basic Pay and Appraisal Points.
1. Run the report HINUDNUP.
2. Select the 'Download' radio button.
3. On the selection screen enter the following data: Personnel numberrange, Appraisal period begin date, Appraisal period end date.
4. Also enter the effective date of download (data valid as of thisdate will be picked up from IT8). Batch session name should not beentered for download.
5. Execute the report.
6. The list that comes up has three pushbuttons. 'Correct cases' and'Error cases' can be used to display the correct cases and errorcases respectively. 'Download' button can be used to download thecorrect cases or the error cases to an Excel file.
7. When the 'Download' button is pushed, the system asks for a filename. Enter the file name and press 'Ok'. The file is saved as a'.xls' file and the system returns to the previous screen.
2. Entering wage types for Infotype 15 in the Excel file:
1. Open the Excel file, which was saved during the download process.
2. Excel will pop up a 'Text Import Wizard' window confirming the typeof data to be imported. Press the 'Finish' button.
3. The file that is opened will contain four columns: A (personnelno.),B (basic pay Wage Type), C (basic pay amount) & D (Appraisalpoints).
4. Add these 2 new columns for each personnel no.: column E(Wage typeto be uploaded to Infotype 15) & column F(amount for this wagetype). The wage type entered in column E should be one of those,which is allowed for Infotype 15.
5. After completing the data entry, save the file. The file should besaved without the '.xls' extension and ensure that the 'Save astype' drop down contains 'Text(Tab delimited)'. Press the 'Save'button.
6. Close the file. This action will pop up a window confirming the datatype in which the file is to be saved. Press 'Yes'. This will pop upthe 'Save as' window, press 'Save'. This will pop up yet anotherwindow saying 'The file already exists. Do you want to replace theexisting file'. Press the 'Yes' button.
3. Uploading data to Infotype 15.
1. Run the report HINUDNUP.
2. Select the upload button.
3. Provide following data on the selection screen: Personnel numberrange, effective date for upload (this is the date which is storedin IT15 as the 'Date of origin') and the Batch Session name.
4. Execute the program, the system asks the file name from where thedata is to be uploaded. Provide the file which was saved in step 2(i.e. file without .xls extension). Note this file will have theNotepad icon against it instead of the Excel icon. Press 'Open'.
5. The correct cases list is displayed. Error cases can be displayedby using the 'Error cases' pushbutton.
6. To create the batch session for upload to Infotype 15, use 'Batchsession' pushbutton when the correct cases list is there.
3. Running the Batch Session to upload data to Infotype 15.
1. Go to transaction SM35.
2. Select the Batch Session, which was mentioned in the selectionscreen
3. From the menu select Session -> Process in background. Press enter,when the window pops up.
4. Check Infotype 15 for the selected personnel numbers.