SAP Program HINUCORRECT_ASSIGNMENT - Roster Validation and Adjustment

This report displays and corrects the following inconsistencies ofselected roster IDs on a date specified by you:

  • Missing reservation categories of roster point IDs

  • Incorrect assignment of reservation categories to roster point IDs

  • Gaps in a rosters

  • Incorrect assignment of employees to roster point IDs
  • Features
    The report corrects the inconsistencies of selected roster ID asfollows:

    • Assign reservation category where missing

    • The report assigns reservation categories to roster points that do nothave reservation categories assigned to them. It does the same bymapping the reservation categories of the model roster ID to theseroster points based on sequence number of the roster points.
      • Re-assign reservation category where assignment is wrong

      • The report re-assigns reservation categories to roster points of theselected roster ID. To do this, it maps the reservation categories ofthe model roster ID to the roster points based on the sequence number ofthe roster points.
        • Close gaps in rosters

        • The report closes gaps in roster as follows:
          Retrieves gaps for a selected roster ID.
          Sorts employees assigned to this roster ID in ascending order of firstlytheir hire date and secondly their employee number.
          The report then re-assigns employees to roster point IDs based on theirhire date and employee number.
          An organization may reduce the cadre strength of a roster when anemployee moves out of the roster. This action results in an unassignedroster point, which is termed as a gap.
          • Re-assign employees to roster points

          • The report assigns unassigned employees to unassigned roster point IDsof the selected roster ID. It does the same as follows:
            Retrieves unassigned roster point IDs of the selected roster ID.
            Retrieves unassigned employees of the organization to which the selectedroster ID belongs.
            Sort employees in ascending order of firstly their hire date andsecondly their employee number.
            Re-assigns employees to roster point IDs as follows:
            - Retrieves the reservation category of the senior most employee.
            - Retrieves a roster point ID that has the same reservation category asthe employee and assigns the employee to it.
            If you have not maintained relationship between roster and organizationunit you cannot re-assign employees to roster points.
            Corrections of inconsistencies may lead to mismatch of reservationcategory of a roster point ID and employee assigned to it.


            • Object Details section:

            • Specify the Object Type. The Object Type can be one of thefollowing:
              - Company Code
              - Organizational Unit
              - Roster Object
              Specify the Object ID for the selected Object Type. Youcan specify multiple Object IDs.
              Specify a date. The report lists and corrects inconsistencies ofselected roster ID that exists on this date.
              Select the required indicator:
              - List Inconsistencies indicator : Select this indicator to listinconsistencies of selected roster ID.
              - Correct Inconsistencies indicator :Select this indicator tocorrect inconsistenties of selected roster ID. If you select thisindicator, the system displays the Additional Selection sectionon the selection screen.
              • Logical File Names for output section:

              • Specify the logical path for storing the output of the report.

                The report displays output based on the selection criteria.

                • If you select the Correct Inconsistencies indicator, the report
                • corrects the selected inconsistency. It displays the RosterValidation and Adjustment screen. This output screen has thefollowing sections:
                  Roster Validation and Adjustment section
                  Summary section
                  The report displays the following values for selected roster IDs on theRoster Validation and Adjustment section:
                  Roster ID
                  This is the unique system generated number of a roster.
                  Roster title
                  This is the title of a roster ID.
                  Promotion type
                  This is the recruitment or promotion type of a roster ID.
                  Region dependency
                  This value specifies whether a roster ID is region dependent orindependent.
                  Region name
                  This is the region for which a roster ID is applicable.
                  This is the group for which a roster ID is applicable.
                  Pay scale
                  This is the pay scale applicable for a roster ID.
                  Reservation type
                  This is the reservation type of a roster ID.
                  Total existing roster points
                  This is the total number of roster points of a roster ID.
                  Total assigned roster points
                  This is the total number of assigned roster point IDs.
                  Roster point ID
                  This is the unique system generated number of a roster point.
                  Roster title
                  This is the title of a roster point ID.
                  Old reservation category
                  This is the incorrect reservation category of a roster point ID. Thereport displays this value if you select the Re-assign reservationcategory where assignment is wrong indicator. The report displaysthis value for only those roster point IDs that had incorrectreservation category.
                  New reservation category
                  This is the correct reservation category of a roster point ID. Thereport displays this value if you select the Re-assign reservationcategory where assignment is wrong indicator. The report displaysthis value for only those roster point IDs that had incorrectreservation category.
                  De-Reservation indicator
                  This indicates whether a roster ID is de-reserved or not.
                  De-Reservation reason ID
                  This is the de-reservation reason ID of a roster point ID.
                  Employee details like employee ID, employee title, ex-serviceman statusof employee, military status of employee, hire date of employee.
                  The report displays the following values for selected roster IDs on theSummary section:
                  Roster ID
                  This is the action taken to correct the inconsistency that you selectedon the selection screen.
                  Total number of records corrected for the selected in-consistency.
                  Choose App.Log option on the Roster Validation and Adjustment
                  screen to display an application log. The application log displaysthe following details:
                  Errors that occurred during the execution of this report
                  List of roster IDs and roster point IDs for which inconsistencies wascorrected
                  • If you select the List Inconsistencies indicator, the report
                  • displays the Roster: Show Inconsistency screen. This outputscreen displays the following details:
                    List of roster IDs for which inconsistencies exist and for each rosterID it displays:
                    - Roster point IDs for which inconsistencies exist
                    - Description of the inconsistencies
                    List of errors during execution of the report.

                    To access this report, on the SAP Easy Access screen chooseHuman resources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific ->India -> Roster -> List and Correct inconsistencieswithin a Roster.
                    Enter the relevant selection criteria.
                    Choose Program -> Execute.