Purpose The report enables you to perform the following functions on requestscreated using Employee Self-Service> (ESS):
- Display a list of request based on selection criteria
- Manually change the approver of a request
Features Manual update of request This report enables a user with administrative rights to manually changethe approver of a request. To do so, you need to enter the details ofthe new approver such as approver ID, approver level, approver group. Selection On the selection screen, you enter the following data:
- Information about your company, payroll period, payroll area, employee
- Execution mode of the report
In the Report Execution Mode> group box, select any one of thefollowing modes: Display requests Select this mode, if you want to display requests based on selectioncriteria Change approver Select this mode, if you want to manually change the approver of therequest. When you select this option, the system display an additionaltab New Approver in the Specify Detail Selection Criteria section of thereport. In this section, enter details of the new approver such asApprover ID.
- Selection criteria for the request
In this group box, you can enter the relevant selection criteria tofilter approved request. If you select the Further Selections>checkbox, the system displays an additional tab Checkboxes>.Output The system displays information on the output screen, based on yourselection criteria on the report selection screen. If you have selected:
- Display requests mode, the system displays the following values for a
request: Request details such as refernce number, type of request, reimbursementtype Employee details such as personnel number Solution type
- Change approver mode, the system displays the relevant request.You can
then select the relevant requests and choose New Approver>pushbutton to change the approver for them. When you choose NewApprover> pushbutton, the system displays the following information: Success messages for requests for which the approvers where changedsuccessfully Error or warning messages for requests for which the approvers where notchanged successfully Errors during execution of this reportActivities To access this report on the SAP Easy Access> screen chooseHuman Resources >-> Payroll> -> Asia/Pacific> ->India> -> Utilities> -> Advanced Claims > Enter the relevant selection criteria. Choose Program> -> Execute>.