SAP Program HINIS800 - Batch Program for Section 80 - India

Batch program for Section 80 (HINIS800)

This function enables you to mark the actual contribution entry inSection 80 Deductions Infotype (585) automatically. This enablesthe system to consider the actual contributions for tax exemption asopposed to the proposed contributions. Section 80 deductions arepre-tax calculations, where the employer deducts the proposed or actualcontribution amount declared by the employee to calculate the totaltaxable income.

The employee must have a valid record in the Section 80 Deductions
Infotype (585).


You can restrict the selection to an individual or a range ofemployees, based on:

  • Personnel number

  • Payroll area
  • Output
    Running this report marks or un-marks the 'Consider actualcontributions for tax exemption' entry in the Section 80
    Deductions Infotype (585).

    All employees of DCS Pvt. Ltd. submit the proof of investment for theperiod 1999 to 2000 in the month of March 2000.
    For the purpose of tax calculations, the employer normally uses theinformation found in the Proposed contributions field in theSection 80 Deductions Infotype (585) until the actual amountsare made available with proof of the investment.
    As this amount is only what the employee proposes to invest, theaccounts department must update this information by marking the checkbox in Infotype (585) when the actual amounts are to be considered forcalculations.
    The employer, on recieving the actual contribution details, runs the'Batch program for Section 80' to update the system.