SAP Program HINIBSP0 - HR: IN Basic Promotions

HR: IN Basic Promotions Report (HINIBSP0)

This report is used to do a batch update of the Basic Salary wage typein the Basic Pay Infotype (0008), due to promotion relatedincrement in salary.


From SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Asia/Pacific -> India -> Utilities
-> Basic -> Promotions.
The Basic Promotions Report screen appears.
Enter the Key Date
Enter the employee selection criteria
Enter the Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances of the employees forwhom you want an increment update
Enter the date from which the increment has to be effective
Enter the name of the batch session
Execute the report
The system conducts the following eligibility checks:
The system checks the Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances of theemployees selected by you. If it is not the same as that entered by youon the selection screen, the employee is rejected.
The system checks the age of the selected employees. If the ageof an employee is less than that maintained in the Min. AgeField of table view Appraisal Criteria (V_T7INB8) for theselected Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances, the employee isrejected.
The system checks the experience of the selected employees inthe current Pay Scale Group and Pay Scale Level. If theexperience of an employee is less than that maintained in the Min.Exp Field of table view Appraisal Criteria (V_T7INB8) for theselected Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances, the employee isrejected.
The system checks the appraisal points of the selectedemployees. If the appraisal points of an employee is less than thatmaintained in the Min. Apr. Points Field of table viewAppraisal Criteria (V_T7INB8) for the selected Pay ScaleGrouping for Allowances, the employee is rejected.
In Monitoring of Tasks Infotype (0019), for the employee, if theTask Type is maintained as Expiry of probation, thesystem checks whether the employee is confirmed. However, if theconfirmation status is not maintained in Monitoring of TasksInfotype (0019) for the employee, the employee is assumed to beconfirmed. If the confirmation status of the employee does not matchwith the status maintained in table view Appraisal Criteria(V_T7INB8) for the selected Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances
, the employee is rejected.
The system checks whether the increment effective date enteredby you on the selection screen falls in the last split of the BasicPay Infotype (0008). If it does not, the employee is rejected.
Based on the current Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances of theemployee, the system reads the increment optionsfrom table view Appraisal Criteria (V_T7INB8).
Based on the Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances of the employee,the system reads the wage types for Basic Salary and Personal Pay fromthe table view Basic Wages (V_T7INB1).
The system reads the Basic Pay Infotype (0008) for the currentBasic Salary and Personal Pay of the employee.
Based on the Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances of the employee,the system reads the Basic Code and the Method Type for the employeefrom the table view Basic Codes for Allowance Groups (V_T7INB5).
Based on the Basic Code and the Method Type for the employee, thesystem reads the salary slab in which the basic pay of the employeefalls from the table view Basic Slabs (V_T7INB7).
Based on the current Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances of theemployee and the sequence number, the system reads the number ofincrements for the employee from table view Increment Criteria(V_T7INB9).
The list of employees eligible for the promotion appears
You have the following options on the output screen:
Promote - Select this option to update the increment for all theeligible employees. The system creates a batch session. You can executethis batch session to update the Basic Pay Infotype (0008) withthe Basic Salary increment.
Ambiguous Cases - Select this option to display the cases wherethere is ambiguity. For example, employees for whom the incrementeffective date, entered by you on the selection screen, does not fallin the last split of the Basic Pay Infotype (0008).
Errors - Select this option to display all error cases. Forexample, employees for whom the Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances
is not the same as that entered by you on the selection screen.
Download - Select this option to download the results in thedesired format