SAP Program HINIBSG0 - Basic - General Increments

Basic - General Increments Report (HINIBSG0)

This report is used to do a batch update of increments in the BasicSalary Wage Type in the Basic Pay Infotype (0008).


From SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Asia/Pacific -> India -> Utilities
-> Basic -> General Increments.
Enter the personnel number and Allowance Grouping of the employees towhom you want to give increments in the Basic Salary.
Enter the date from which the increment has to be effective.
Enter the name of the batch session.
Select Program -> Execute.
The report checks the current Pay Scale Grouping for Allowancesof the selected employees. If this Pay Scale Grouping forAllowances is not the same as that entered by you on the selectionscreen, the employee is rejected.
The system checks whether the increment Effective Date enteredby you on the selection screen falls in the last split of the BasicPay Infotype (0008). If it does not, the employee is rejected.
Depending on the Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances of theemployee, the system reads the Basic Salary and Personal Pay
wage types of the employee from the table view Basic Wages(V_T7INB1). The system reads the Basic Pay Infotype (0008) forthe current Basic Salary and Personal Pay wage types.
Based on the current Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances of theemployee, the system reads the Basic Code and the MethodType from the table view Basic Codes for Allowance Groups(V_T7INB5).
Based on the Basic Code and the Method Type, the systemreads the table view Basic Slabs (V_T7INB7) for the salary slabin which the basic pay of the employee falls.
If the current basic pay of the employee is the greater than or equalto the upper limit of the highest slab, the employee is rejected.
If the current basic pay of the employee does not fall in any slab, theemployee is rejected.
If the Method Type is Increment by Amount, the systemadds the increment amount to the current basic pay to arrive at the newcurrent basic pay.
If the Method Type is Increment by Percentage, the systemreads the table view Basic Slabs (V_T7INB7) for the type ofpercentage method. Accordingly, the system calculates the new basic payand adds it to the current basic pay to arrive at new current basicpay.
In the output screen, you have the following options:
Increment - Select this option to process the increment for allthe eligible employees. The system creates a batch session. You canexecute this batch session to update the Basic Pay Infotype(0008).
Ambiguous Cases - Select this option to display the ambiguouscases. For example, employees for whom the Effective Dateentered by you on the selection screen does not fall in the last splitof the Basic Pay Infotype (0008).
Errors - Select this option to display all error cases. Forexample, employees for whom the Pay Scale Grouping for Allowances
is not the same as that entered by you on the selection screen.
Download - Select this option to download the results in thedesired format.