Purpose You have grouped employees across multiple Company Codes>.However, the multiple Company Codes> share the same Tax DeductionAccount Number (TAN). Print program for form 24 report(HINCF240)> generates Form 24Q e-File at Company Code> level.Hence there are multiple e-Files that need to be submitted under thesame TAN. You can use this report to consolidate the various e-Files into a singlee-File, which you can submit to the tax authorities.Prerequisites
- You have Form 24Q e-File downloaded with the required naming convention
in a folder. Note: You must store the e-Files with the naming format as F24**_##.txt,where ** indicates the quarter of the financial year for which the e-File isgenerated ## indicates the serial number of the e-File. Serial number shouldstart from 01. Example An e-File generated for the first quarter and having serial number 01,should be named as F24Q1_01.txt.
- You have validated all the e-Files using the File Validation Utility
(FVU), provided by the tax authorities.
- Employee belongs to a single Company Code> within a payroll
period.Activities On SAP Easy Access> menu, choose Human Resources> ->Payroll >-> Asia/Pacific> -> India >-> Utilities > -> Form 24Q e-File Consolidation Utility>. Select the location of the folder, in which you have saved the e-Files. Select the location of the folder in which you want to save theconsolidated e-File. To execute the report, choose Program >-> Execute>. Theconsolidated e-File is stored in the output folder you specified. Note: Validate the consolidated e-File using the File Validation Utility(FVU), before submission to the tax authorities.