SAP Program HINCEPN0 - HR: IN Pension Reports

Pension Fund Reporting (HINCEPN0)

This report provides detailed information of the employee and thecorresponding employers contributions to the trust. It also generates alist of employees who would begin contributing towards the Employee'sFamily Pension Fund (FPF) or discontinue to do so.
The data can be filtered according to user-defined criteria anddisplayed through the following reports:

  • Form 4, provides details of employees joining the trust in the month

  • Form 5, provides details of employees leaving the trust in the month

  • Form 6, statement of employer contribution to the fund in the month

  • These reports are submitted by the employer to the Exempted Trust inthe statutory format.


    • You have run the payroll for your employees and have payroll results

    • You have to maintain the Provident Fund Contribution Infotype (

    • 0587)

      You can trigger three separate reports from within this report:

      Form 4 for Pension Scheme
      The report displays the list of new employees who qualify for thepension scheme in the selected payroll period and indicates:

      • Employee name and number

      • Employee's pension number

      • Employee's date of birth

      • Employee's date of joining the pension fund

      • Employee's sex
      • Form 5 for Pension Scheme
        The report displays the list of employees who discontinue contributingto the pension fund for the selected payroll period and indicates:

        • Employee's name and number

        • Employee's pension number

        • Employee's date of leaving

        • Reason for leaving
        • Form 6 for Family Pension Scheme
          The report displays the employer's contribution details with theamounts and percentages contributed to the pension fund for theselected payroll period and indicates:

          • Employee number

          • Employee's pension fund number

          • Pension rate

          • Employer's pension contribution
          • Selection

            • Enter the Payroll Area and Period for which the report is
            • to be generated
              • Select the Trust ID to specify the localized branch of the trust
              • where the contribution is made

                The report displays the employees' basic details and the statutorylayout.

                Choose Human resources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific -> India ->Subsequent Activities -> Per payroll period -> Legal Reports -> Pension-> Pension forms - Form 4, Form 5 & Form 6.
                Enter the selection criteria in the respective fields.
                Select the report to be run in the Report name field.
                In case you do not use the standard layout, click the CustomerLayout button, which enables you to enter an existing customizedlayout form name.
                Choose Program -> Execute.

                Mr. Sanjay's employer pays the pension fund amounts to the Exemptedtrust in Mumbai and Bangalore, for the trust ID's, RPF1 and RPF2respectively.
                When Mr. Sanjay relocated to Bangalore on 15 April, his employerstarted contributing to the trust ID RPF2 instead of RPF1.
                When the employer runs Form 4 for the month of April for the Trust IDRP02, Mr. Sanjay is listed as his employer now starts contributing tothe Trust ID RP02. Similarly, running Form 5 for the Trust ID RP01lists him as he has stopped contributing.