SAP Program HINC2170 - Form 217 (2A)

Form 217 (2A) of the Company's Act (HINC2170)

This report contains the salary details of employees whose salaryexceeds a specified statutory amount. This is a statutory report s
ubmitted as an annexure to the Director's Report.
This report is printed in accordance with the Company's Act.

This report reads the values of the following constants in the tableview Payroll Constants (V_T511P):

  • Annual Salary for sec 217 (2A) Constant (SC217) - During the
  • reporting period, if the salary of an employee (who was employed forthe complete duration of the reporting period) exceeds the amountmaintained in this constant, the entire salary details of the employeewill get printed in Form 217 (2A).
    • Monthly limit for Form 217 (2A) Constant (FM217) - If the salary
    • of an employee (who was employed for any part of duration of reportingperiod) exceeds the amount maintained in this constant, for one or moremonths during the reporting period, the salary details of the employeefor that period will get printed in Form 217 (2A).
      You can configure these constants through the IMG under PayrollIndia -> Other Reports -> Form 217 (2A) ->Maintain Minimum Salary of Employees for 217(2A) Printing.
      This report also reads the Business Add-In HR_IN_PERCENT_SHARESfor the percentage of shares held by the employees. You can configurethis Add-In through the IMG under Payroll India -> OtherReports -> Form 217 (2A) ->Add-In: Percentage Share Held by Employee


      • You must have maintained records for the employee in the
      • Organizational Assignment Infotype (0001), Personal DataInfotype (0002), Contract Elements Infotype (0016),Education Infotype (0022) Subtype N5 and
        Other/Previous Employers Infotype (0023).
        • You should have maintained the following fields of the above mentioned
        • infotypes for the corresponding information to be printed on Form 217(2A):
          Header on Form 217 (2A),,Infotype,,Field
          Nature of Employment,,Infotype 0016,,Contract type (CTTYP)
          Qualification,,Infotype 0022,,Education/training (AYSBI)
          Previous Employment Job,,Infotype 0023,,Job (TAETE)
          Previous Employment Employer,,Infotype 0023,,Employer (ARBGB)
          • You must have maintained the Evaluation Class 11 of the wage
          • types used in Form 217 (2A) reporting.
            Specification 1 should be set for all the wage types that aredefined as salary components in Form 217 2A).
            Specification 2 should be set for all the wage types that aredefined as perks in Form 217 2A).


            The employees to be selected are:

            • Full time employees - All employees who are in the payroll throughout
            • the reporting period.
              • Part time employees - All employees who are in the payroll only for a
              • part of the reporting period.
                The reporting period can be:
                • A financial year (April - March), or

                • A calendar year (January - December), or

                • A 15 month period

                • Note:
                  If the reporting period is not a financial year, the perks are proratedon actual number of days basis.
                  For example, the reporting period is January 2002 to December 2002. Inthis case, the total perk for the reporting period will be the sum of
                  Perk for January 2002 to March 2002, which is the prorated value of theperk of the financial year, April 2001 to March 2002 (perk vaues areread from the payroll results of March 2002), and
                  Perk for April 2002 to December 2002, which is the prorated value ofthe perk of the financial year, April 2002 to March 2003 (perk valuesare read from the payroll results of December 2002 or the last payrollresult, whichever is earlier).

                  The report generates the salary details of all the eligible full timeand part time employees of your organization.

                  From SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Asia/Pacific -> India -> SubsequentActivities -> Annual -> Legal Reports -> OtherReports -> Form 217 (2A).
                  The Form 217 (2A) Report screen appears.
                  Enter the employee selection criteria.
                  Enter the Company Code.
                  Enter the period for which you want to generate the report.
                  Select Customer layout to print the report in any layout thatyou may have created.
                  Select Program -> Execute.