SAP Program HIECVHI2 - Health Insurance Contribution Report

HEalth Insurance Contribution Report - (HIECVHI2)

This report evaluates contributions to VHI and BUPA . In addition, thisreport also displays an employee's Health Insurance details for a givenperiod.

Before executing this report, you must:
Ensure that the Health Insurance Group Details table (T7IE7)has been maintained so that it contains the most accurate data for thegroup.
Ensure that the infotype Health Insurance Contributions Ireland(0386) has been maintained for each employee within yourorganization.

In the Period and Selection section, enter the relevantselection criteria.
In the Health Insurance section, set the indicator for therelevant options.
All fields - displays all output fields (including: Group,dates, wagetypes, payments, and arrears).
Payments - displays actual contributions made (including anemployee's remaining balance to be paid).
Arrears - based on expected payments, this option displaysplanned payments which were not made by the employee. It is alsopossible to view amounts which an employee has paid over the plannedcontribution amount.