SAP Program HIECP460 - P46/P45 Part 3 Legislative Reporting Ireland

This report generates a record containing the P46 or P45 Part 3 detailsin XML file format, for submission to the Revenue. The record contains:

  • P46 form details for employees who join without P45 form

  • P45 Part 3 details for employees who join with P45 form

  • The report also updates Starters Details Ireland infotype (0387)through batch input session, in the following scenerios:
    • Employee joins with no P45 Form

    • In this case, when you run the report, the system generates an XML filewith the employee's P46 details. The report also creates StartersDetails Ireland infotype (0387) record with following information:
      Form Issued - P46 Form
      Issue Date - As per your selection on the Selection screen of thereport.
      The rest of the fields in the infotype record are left blank as theemployee joins without P45 form.
      • Employee joins with P45 Form

      • In this case, you manually enter the P45 details in Starters DetailsIreland infotype (0387). However, you must not enter the Formissued and Issue Date field manually. After creating theinfotype, when you run the report, the system updates the infotype withfollowing information:
        Form Issued - P45 Part 3
        Issue Date - As per your selection on the Selection screen of thereport.
        The system generates the XML file for submission to the revenue with theP45 Part 3 details.
        • Employee joins without P45 Form, but receives the same later

        • In this case, you first enter the previous employment details inStarters Details Ireland infotype (0387) record manually. Youmust not enter the Form issued and Issue Date fieldmanually. After creating the infotype, when you run the report, thesystem updates the infotype with following information:
          Form Issued - P45 Part 3
          Issue Date - As per your selection on the Selection screen of thereport.
          The system also generates the XML file for submission to the revenuewith the P45 Part 3 details.
          In any case, you must not enter the Form issued and IssueDate field manually.

          On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Europe -> Ireland -> SubsequentActivities -> Period-independent-> P46/P45 Part 3Legislative Reporting Ireland.
          P46/ P45 Part 3 Legislative Reporting Ireland selection screenappears.
          In the Period section, enter the period for which you want togenerate the form.
          In the Selection section, enter the employee selection criteria.
          In the XML File Generation section,
          Set Generate XML File indicator if you want the report togenerate the record in XML file format. If you do not set thisinidcator, the system displays the record in ALV format on execution ofthe report. Once you set this indicator, it is mandatory to enter theEmployer Reference Number and the Contact Details.
          In Employer Reference Number field enter Employer's unique numberassigned by the revenue commissioners. The system generates the recordonly for those selected employees who fall under the Employer ReferenceNumber you enter here. If you have selected employees who do not belongto this Employer Reference Number, the system includes them inunder Error List on the Output screen.
          Enter the details of the person whom the Legislative can contact in caseof any clarifications required in the forms.
          In the Batch Input details (infotype 0387) section:
          Select Batch Input indicator to run the report for a batch ofemployees. The system creates a Batch Input Session once you runthe report. On execution of the Batch Input Session, the system updatesStarters Details Ireland infotype (0387).
          Enter a Batch Input name. By default the system displays the user nameof the person who runs the report in this field.
          Enter the date on which you want to issue the P45 or P46 Part 3. Thesystem displays this date in the Issue date field of StartersDetails Ireland infotype (0387). By default the system displays thecurrent date.
          If you set this indicator, it is mandatory to set Generate XML File
          indicator. Also, only if you set this indicator the system updatesor creates the Starters Details Ireland infotype (0387) record.
          To run the report, choose Program -> Execute.
          P46/ P45 Part 3 Legislative Reporting Ireland output screenappears.
          On the output screen the system displays the following details:

          • Number of employees selected

          • Number of employees rejected

          • Number of P45 Part 3 issued

          • Number of P46 issued

          • On the output screen you also have the following options:
            • P45 Part 3

            • Choose this option to display the details of the P45 Part 3 formscreated in ALV format.
              • P46

              • Choose this option to display the details of the P46 forms created inALV format.
                • Error Messages

                • Choose this option to display the details of rejected employees list inALV format. The system also displays the reason for rejection here.
                  • Display XML

                  • Choose this option to display the record of P45 Part 3 and P46 detailsthat the system generates in XML file format.
                    • To save the XML file generated, select Extras -> Save XML
                    • (PC).