SAP Program HIECEXEP_NEW - HR-XX: Exceptions and Messages Report

This report lists exception messages (per employee) for a given payrollrun. For example, an allowance exceeds the maximum limit for thespecified tolerance group.
Upon executing this report, your SAP system allocates a message andseverity number to the exception. The severity number is then dividedinto two categories:

  • Warning

  • Information

  • Note: That the category Error is not used, as any errors that aredetected cause the payroll calculation to stop. The report is displayedvia the SAP List Viewer.
    The report prints the statistics from the payroll run as follows:
    • Employees selected for processing - indicates the number of employees
    • for whom the exception reporting was run.
      • Employees processed in payroll - indicates the number of employees who
      • have a payroll result in the selected payroll period.
        • Employees processed for exception reporting - indicates the number of
        • employees for whom exception messages were generated (in the selectedperiod).

          The payroll calculation must have been completed for the relevant periodbefore running this report.

          Statistic Reporting
          Exception Reporting

          In the sections Payroll period and Selection, enter therelevant data.
          In the section Additional data, you specify the selectioncriteria to search for exceptions (based on the message class andnumber). Set the indicator in the field Messages for retro periods
          , if you would like exception reporting to be processed forretroactive payroll runs.
          To run the report, choose Execute.