SAP Program HIECEOY0 - IE Year End Report : Production of Legislative Forms

Year-End reporting for Ireland

This program produces the following reports, which builds together thegroup of year-end reports in Ireland:

  • P60 - End of year Summary for the Employee

  • P35L - Employee's Annual Return to Revenue Commissioner (with PPS
  • Number)
    • P35LT - Employee's Annual Return to Revenue Commissioner (without PPS
    • Number)
      • P35 - Employer's Annual Return to Revenue Commissioner

      • MMF - Magnetic Media File which needs to be sent to the Revenue
      • Commissioner
        • E-Filing - XML file that can be sent to the Revenue Commissioner
        • electronically

          End of year Summary for the Employee (P60)
          A P60 form is only generated if the employee is working with the companyon December 31st of an appropriate tax year.

          Employee's Annual Return to Revenue Commissioner (P35L/P35LT)
          A P35L(LT) is always generated, even if the employee has left thecompany during this particular tax year. Once an employee has anorganisational assignment change within the year, that implies a taxreference change, the reports will be produced one record per particulartax reference. (That is, if an employee changes the tax reference fromJuly 1st of a specific tax year, then two P35L records are generated,one with the values for the period 01.01 to 30.06 and one for the period01.07 to 31.12. If they should change back to their original taxreference within the same tax year, then these earnings are added to theearlierone with the same tax reference, thus still two P35L/LTs recordswould be issued).

          Employer's Annual Return to Revenue Commissioner (P35)
          The P35 form is built by the sum of all individual employee'sinformation who belong to respectively worked for a specific taxreference within a tax year.
          The system produces the P35 as typically the customer issues theEnd-of-Year via Magnetic Media.
          According to legislation, a P35L entry (respectively a magnetic mediaentry) should not be produced for any employee not having any reportablesituation, that is Tax, PRSI, Tax credit equal to zero.
          The report can be run both in online and batch mode. In order to makeprinting more convenient, the printing of each form is sent to adifferent spool request. So if the customers use pre-printed stationery,they can exchange the stationery between the different spool prints.
          If you start the report in online, you will come - upon execution- to ascreen which allows you to choose which form you wish to display, alsoyou will be presented with the report statistics. You can switch betweenall different forms as often as you like. If you start with outputoption SAPScript, you first have the chance to check the forms.
          Under menu option Extras', you will be able to switch to the ALVoutput and check the appropriate information via the ALV tool. If youhave chosen to produce a Magnetic Media as well you will have the extraoption to also display the Magnetic media content via ALV. (If you startwith output option ALV, you can not switch to a SAPScript display. )
          Also under menu option Extras, you will find the display of theerror lists, either with Information messages (I/W/E) or only warningsand errors (W/E).
          You also find there the opportunity to display the timeframes in ALV.This ALV output is supposed to be an analysis tool and is onlymeaningful is you run the report for a single employee. (Note: If yourun the report for a set of employees the list only shows thetimeframes for the last processed employee)

          Magnetic Media File (MMF)
          Furthermore in this menu, you can download the Magnetic Media fileeither to PC or Unix file. (This applies only if the Create TemSefor Mag Media was chosen on the selection screen.) In the case of aPC download, the data is downloaded in the correct (BIN) format.
          In regards to batch mode, the system will either print all the ALV listsor all the SAPScript forms - each in different spool files.

          End-of-Year (EOY) returns - P35 Form
          You can generate an E-file in XML format for the End-of-Year (EOY)returns - P35 form. You can submit this file to the Revenue OnlineService (ROS) electronically through the internet. E-filing isapplicable from tax year 2005 (01/01/2005 - 12/31/2005) onwards.
          To generate an E-file select the Generate XML option onthe selection screen of this report.
          After you run the report, you have the following options:
          Display XML - Select this option on the Application Tool Bar todisplay the generated XML file that you can submit to the ROS.
          Save XML (PC) - From the menu bar, choose Extras->Save XML (PC), to download the generated XML file on to thepresentation server.
          XML Errors - From the Menu options, choose Extras-> XML Errors, to view the errors pertaining to the XML filegenerated.

          Tax year Determine timeframe for selection of personnel numbers
          Please refer to detailed documentation
          Tax reference Derives payroll areas for given tax reference
          Please refer to detailed documentation
          Once this indicator is set, the SAPScripts that are generated containthe indicator Test. You can also run the report for any selectioncriteria combination you desire. In particular, this test settingcan be used to check during the run for a year how the reports arelooking at a given point in time.
          For example: How would the EOY look if done now?
          If this indicator is not set, the EOY output are produced in aproductive mode. As mentioned above, the productive mode forces a taxreference to be entered.

          Output Options
          The following output options exist for this report:
          SAPScript Print or print preview the EOY reports via SAPScriptforms.
          ,,,,Please refer to detailed documentation
          ALV Output Shows the data for EOY reports via ALV.
          ,,,,Please refer to detailed documentation
          Create TemSe files for forms Store data for EOY reports to TemSefiles.
          ,,,,Please refer to detailed documentation
          Create TemSe file for MagMedia Initiates Magnetic Media handling
          ,,,,Please refer to detailed documentation
          External data source (via TemSe) Reading TemSe files as datasource.
          ,,,,Please refer to detailed documentation
          XML File Initiates generation of XML file
          ,,,,Please refer to detailed documentation

          The following customizing activities should be performed/checked beforeyou run this report:
          Wage type assignment for EOY ,,(in the view cluster Non-statutorysubapplications (VC_596A_B))
          ADDRS ,,Source of employee address (subtype of the infotypeAddresses (0006)) RCLAS CEOY
          ENTRY,,Definition of aspects to determine entry date (FBHR_STARTING_DATE)
          LEAVE,,Definition of aspects to determine leave date (FBHR_LEAVING_DATE)
          EOYER ,,Determines whether the Information messages should be printed inbatch processing. (If the ,,,,,,constant does not exist or has value 0,then the information messages are printed)

          Performance Information
          A performance analysis on a midsized computer showed that 10.000 EOYreports take approximately 20 minutes under the option Create TemSefiles for forms and Create TemSe file for MagMedia. The mosttime consuming part is the mass SAPScript production. For checking theresults from the TemSe creation we recommend to use specific ALV displayvariants as this can reduce the run time substantially. You may defineyourself various ALV display lists for the various checking aspects andswitch between them when looking at the various aspects to check.

          Information about Statistics
          After the report is run it displays statistical information on theprocessing.
          Selected persons : The number of employees selected for this run.Only those employees are considered who either had at least one activeday in the tax year or got a payment in the tax year.
          Selected contracts : Only relevant for customers who use themultiple employment solution. Then this field contains the number ofcontracts selected. (Note: This might exceed the number of selectedpersons)
          P35L forms generated : The number of produced P35L entries.
          P35LT forms generated : The number of produced P35LT entries.
          P60 forms generated : The number of produced P60 forms. Alsothis number typically is lower than the P35L(T) number as a P60 is onlyto be produced for employees active on 31st of December of the tax year.
          P35 forms generated : The number of produced P35 forms. Forproduction runs this number should never exceed 1.
          Timeframes rejected : The report examines the timeframes ofinterest individually. (The following criteria must be identical withina timeframes: activity indicator and tax reference.) If such antimeframe can not be analysed due to a problem situation, it isrejected. It still could happen that other timeframes for an employeeare correctly analysed. Please refer to the Error messages issued forthose situations.
          In principle the number of P35Ls generated plus those not needed plusthe rejected timeframes should at least match (or exceed) the number ofselected persons. The number of P60 forms generated should equate toyour active headcount on 31st of December of an appropriate tax year.

          Additional Technical Hints
          For the SAPScript forms it might be useful to know what information iscontained in each field, in case you wish to amend a SAPScript or evenproduce another view for the year end data. For the P60 form(HR_IE_P60_xxxx), the data is available in an internal table called P60and the fields of structure P11_P60_C. So P60-BUKRS contains the companycode. For the P35L form the internal table name is P35L.
          For a comprehensive list of general fields available, please refer tothe DDIC structure.
          Section 1
          Field,,Data Source
          BUKRS,,Infotype Organizational Assignment (0001) fieldCompany Code
          BUTXT,,Text of appropriate company code from table T001
          WERKS,,Infotype Organizational Assignment (0001) fieldPersonnel Area
          NAME1,,Text of appropriate personnel area from table T500P
          BTRTL,,Infotype Organizational Assignment (0001) fieldPersonnel Subarea
          BTEXT,,Text of appropriate personnel subarea from table T001P
          PERSG,,Infotype Organizational Assignment (0001) fieldEmployee Group
          PGTXT,,Text of appropriate employee group from table T501T
          PERSK,,Infotype Organizational Assignment (0001) fieldEmployee Subgroup
          PKTXT,,Text of appropriate employee subgroup from table T503T
          ORGEH,,Infotype Organizational Assignment (0001) fieldOrganizatinal Unit
          ORGTX,,Text of appropriate organizational unit from table T527X
          KOSTL,,Infotype Organizational Assignment (0001) field CostCenter
          KOSTT,,Text of appropriate cost center from Financial module
          ABKRS,,Infotype Organizational Assignment (0001) fieldPayroll Area
          ABKTX,,Text of appropriate payroll area from table T549T
          ER_NAME,,Employer name from table T7IE6 (V_T5IE6)
          ER_ADR1,,Employer address line 1 from table T7IE6 (V_T5IE6)
          ER_ADR2,,Employer address line 2 from table T7IE6 (V_T5IE6)
          ER_ADR3,,Employer address line 3 from table T7IE6 (V_T5IE6)
          ERNIE,,Derived from Infotype 0359 (Tax data IE)
          EUNIE,,Derived from ERNIE via T7IE6
          WTEXT,,The personnel number of the employee
          PERID,,Infotype Personal Data (0002) field PPS number
          ACTVE,,Infotype Actions (0000) field Employment
          ENAME,,Infotype Personal Data (0002) field Name
          NACHN,,Infotype Personal Data (0002) field Last name
          VORNA,,Infotype Personal Data (0002) field First name
          NAME2,,Infotype Personal Data (0002) field Birth name
          GBDAT,,Infotype Personal Data (0002) field Birth date
          GESCH,,Derived from the infotype Personal Data (0002) the systemreads the domain text of the gender
          ,,,,(Male/Female) and take the first digit of this string
          LINE0,,,,Depending on the customizing of feature ADDRS, the data can be
          ,,,,read from different subtypes of infotype Addresses (0006)
          ,,,,The appropriate infotype is processed by the function moduleHR_MAKE_ADDRESS.
          ,,,,Field LINE0 is filled with the returned LINE1 (SkippingForm-of-Address)
          LINE1,,as LINE0 but filled by LINE2
          LINE2,,as LINE0 but filled by LINE3
          LINE3,,as LINE0 but filled by LINE4.
          PSTLZ,,Infotype Addresses (0006) field Postal code
          LAND1,,Infotype Addresses (0006) field Country code
          TXTBL,,Read from last payroll result in period. (Payroll structure IETAXfield TXBAS, converting
          ,,,,N (Normal) to 0, W (Week1/Month1) to 1, E (Emergency) to 2 and X(Excluded) to 3
          STARTD,,Represents the start date of an employee, delivered fromfunction module
          ,,,,HR_ENTRY_DATE. If there are various timeframes, which wouldneed
          ,,,,to be looked at separately and both have a start date, then
          ,,,,the earlier date is taken.
          LEAVED,,Represents the leave date of an employee, delivered fromfunction module
          ,,,,HR_LEAVING_DATE. If there are various timeframes, which would
          ,,,,need to be looked at separately and both have a start date,
          ,,,,then the earlier date is taken.
          BEGDA,,ONLY technical meaning - the begin date of a particulartimeframe.
          ENDDA,,ONLY technical meaning - the end date of a particular timeframe.
          TAXYR,,The appropriate tax year, which is derived from the reportselection screen.
          P_EARN,,Derived from the payroll results. Those wage types maintained
          ,,,,in the viewcluster VC_596A_B under cumulation wage type PAY1 will betaken.
          C_EARN,,Derived from the payroll results. Those wage types maintained
          ,,,,in the viewcluster VC_596A_B under cumulation wage type PAY2 will betaken.
          T_EARN,,Derived from the payroll results - addition of P_EARN andC_EARN.
          P_TAX,,Derived from the payroll results. Those wage types maintained
          ,,,,in the viewcluster VC_596A_B under cumulation wage type TAX1 will betaken.
          C_TAX,,Derived from the payroll results. Those wage types maintained
          ,,,,in the viewcluster VC_596A_B under cumulation wage type TAX2 will betaken.
          T_TAX,,Derived from the payroll results - addition of P_TAX and C_TAX.
          TFATO,,Derived from the payroll results (table RT) . Those wage typesmaintained
          ,,,,in the viewcluster VC_596A_B under cumulation wage type TCRE will betaken.
          CUTOF,,Derived from the payroll results (table RT). Those wage typesmaintained
          ,,,,in the viewcluster VC_596A_B under cumulation wage type CUTO will betaken.
          TOGRP,,Derived from the payroll results. Those wage types maintained
          ,,,,in the viewcluster VC_596A_B under cumulation wage type TOGR will betaken
          ,,,,Only used for the magnetic media.

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