SAP Program HIECDTB0 - Preliminary DME Program for Separate Payment Run

Report HIECDTB0 is used to create a dataset from transfers created bythe payroll run. The dataset is used as input for payment print andtape generation program RFFOGB_T. The initial data for HIECDTB0 isprovided by PCL2 and in particular table RT for transfers.
The program can also be used by customers who at different timesperform two or more payment runs per payroll period.
If the parameter 'Set flag for transfers' has been selected, the timeat which the transfer occurs (date on and time at which the payment runcommences) is written to transfer table RT on database PCL2 for eachtransfer that is effected. This provides subsequent transfer runs withinformation regarding which entries in table RT have already beentransferred. It also enables you to separate payment runs by specifyingthe appropriate wage type. You could, for example, effect a wagetransfer before allowing the remaining transfers to be performed.
The payment methods in table T042Z are allowed.
The report performs the following steps for each transfer:
1) The currency key is read from table T001.
2) If necessary, the payee key is converted using table T521B.
3) The text keys are read for the DME C record.
The information is stored in table T520S.
A search is performed under the appropriate wage type key for the textkey. Wage types '/558' and '/559' are used for transferring net pay.The modifier from table T001P is taken into account when access occurs.A 'J' must be entered as the last character for capital formation textkeys. The program replaces the character with the second character ofthe year for which the capital formation payment is transferred, ie.PN/PABRJ+3(1).
For example: Text key 5400J is in table T520S.
For transfers in 1992, this results in 54003,
For transfers in 1993, this results in 54004.
Determine bank data and account data for the sender using feature DTAKT(transaction PE03).
Please specify a decision tree for field DTAKT and then defineDtakt=nnnnn/mmmmm,
in which respect nnnnn is the bank ID in table T012 and
mmmmm is the account ID in table T012K.
Dependency on the company code and the first three characters of the
bank number:
Variable key DOperationen
**** &DTAKT=DB /GIRO ,
0001 DBANKL(3)
0001 *** &DTAKT=DB /GIRO ,
0001 600 &DTAKT=COM /TG ,
The "Purpose" field
If field VERWZ (purpose) has been specified, such as for externaltransfers or capital formation payments, it is transferred to the DMEpurpose field. If field VERWZ has not been specified, such as for abank connection, and the type of capital formation investment has notbeen filled, the following text is used as the purpose for the DMErecord:
'Wage/salary', personnel number, payroll period
The following text is printed for pensioners:
'Pension', personnel number, payroll period
The "Purpose" field is printed in the account statement. If the abovetext is not to your liking, please adapt the main program RPCDTAG0.
Read file BNKA
The bank number is determined on the basis of file BNKA.
In TEST mode 'X', the transfers read for all of the persons selectedand the resulting SETH records are displayed. In TEST mode ' ', all ofthe incorrect transfers are listed together with the reason for theerror. If one transfer is incorrect for one particular person, none ofthe transfers pertaining to that person is carried out.
The records are transferred to program RFFOD__U, which then creates thedata medium. The parameters
Program run date and
Identification feature
must be filled for the transfer time of RPCDTAG0. The transfer datemust be entered in the program run date field, and the time must beentered in the identification feature field. In this respect, the
last character of the identification feature must be a 'P'.
W A R N I N G : R E S T A R T
If RPCDTAG0 is run without the "Set flag for transfers" parameter beingselected, the report can be run again without any further changes beingnecessary. If the above parameter has been selected, however, you musttake note of the following. If RPCDTAG0 must be run again, theparameters "Repeat run: Date" and "Repeat run: Time" must be filled sothat records already marked as transferred are selected again. In thisrespect, the date and time stored in the transfers must be specified inthe parameters.
If you need to repeat a specific HIECDTB0 run, the parameter "Flaggedrecords only" must also be selected. If HIECDTB0 must be run againbecause the program was previously cancelled, the parameter "Flaggedrecords only" must not be set. If the parameter were set, records wouldbe selected for the transfer for which no transfer time has beenspecified in addition to the records whose transfer time is compatiblewith the time set by the parameters.
Let us assume that a transfer is performed for which the parameter "Setflag for transfers" has been set, and that you then realize the payrollrun includes basic errors which means you do not want to use the datacarrier. To enable you to restart the payroll to correct the errors,you must first use auxiliary program RPCDTFG0 to delete the transferflag.

Wage type
This enables you to restrict a payment run to specific wage types. Inthis way, several payment runs can be performed for each payrollperiod.
= ON : No data transfer to RFFOD__U
PCL2 is not updated
The transfers to be effected are printed
= OFF: Data transfer to RFFOD__U
PCL2 is updated
Convert 'Umlauts'?
= X : 'Umlauts' and lower case letters are converted
otherwise: 'Umlauts' and lower case letters are not converted
Set flag for transfers
If this parameter is flagged, the transfer date (the date on whichRPCDTAG0 was run) is written together with the transfers when thetransfer data is saved in PCL2. If payroll accounting is repeated(RPCALCG0), the records marked with one date are not overwritten.Instead, the payroll program performs an accounting run to determinedifferences.
Repeat run: Date
An entry should only be made for a repeat run. If a date is entered,records are selected for the payment run whose transfer time coincideswith the date and time set by the parameters in addition to the recordswhich have yet to be transferred.
Flagged records only
An entry should only be made for a repeat run. If the date of therepeat run has been specified and this parameter has been set, onlythose records are selected whose transfer time coincides with the datespecified for the repeat run.&TITLE&