SAP Program HHKCTXF0 - Notification by an ER of an EE who is about to cease to be employed

The program HHKCTXF0 is the Cessation of Employment of an Employee formrequired by the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department (HK IRD) within onemonth prior to the date of termination.
The IR56F should be run twice. The first time the IR56F should be runis one month prior to the date of termination. The second time the IR56Fshould be run is after a successful payroll run in the payroll periodthe employee was terminated in. This second run will allow the IR56F tocompare the projected results (in the first run) with the actual results(in the second run) to determine if an Amended IR56F is required.
At the end of processing all of the employees (within the selectionoptions on the selection screen), the following will occur:
The program will determine if the Print preview option has beenchecked/ticked.
When the Print preview forms is checked/ticked the IR56F form/s willdisplay a print preview of the IR56F form/s. The IR56F form/s are NOTprinted immediately and are NOT written to the print spooler (except ifyou click on the printer button in the print preview).
To print the IR56F form/s immediately and to write the IR56F form/s tothe print spooler automatically do NOT check/tick the Print previewforms checkbox.
Printing of the IR56F form/s.
The successfully processed employees will be sorted by Tax reportinggroup, surname and first name. A Tax reporting group is a sub-divisionof a company e.g. Widget Hong Kong is a tax reporting group(sub-division) of Widget International. The tax reporting group isspecified by the user on the selection screen.
Each successful employee has their IR56F form printed and any extraquarters (2 or more quarters) are printed.
The first time the IR56F forms are printed the results of each employeeis written to the HZ cluster (explained in Point 4. The HZ cluster). Thesecond time the program is printed, the results of each of the employeeswill be compared with their results that were for the first IR56F. Ifthere is not a difference, the employee will not be processed because anidentical IR56F has already been submitted to the HK IRD and an errormessage will be displayed at the end of processing all of the employees(explained in Point 3. The error messages). If there is a difference anamended IR56F form will be printed and the new results will be writtento the HZ cluster. The IR56F amended form will contain "Amended IR56F"printed against the first line of the heading.
The error messages
The employees that could not be processed are listed in a pop-up windowat the end of the IR56F processing (after printing the IR56F). Theemployee's personnel number and the reason why the employee was notprocessed is outlined in the error message log.
The HZ cluster
The HZ cluster has been created to keep track of the last IR56F that wasprinted and the results (remuneration amounts, tax rental and overseastravel receipts and tax addresses) that were used for this form.
HZ cluster is used primarily to compare the currently processingemployee's results with the last form that was issued for them. Forexample, if the results for the currently processing employee isdifferent from the latest IR56F, an Amended IR56F will be printed. Ifthe results are the same, the processing of the employee willdiscontinue and an error message will be created in the error log.

To effectively run the program HHKCTXF0, the following fields on theselection screen are mandatory:

  • If the other period option is chosen the from date and to date MUST be
  • entered
    • Tax reporting group

    • Tax year ending 31st March

    • Correct printer name

    • Correct payroll schema for projection

    • The other fields on the selection screen are optional.

      There are three types of output created:

      • IR56F forms

      • Entries in the HZ cluster for each successfully processed employee

      • An error log if required