SAP Program HFIUTCDL - Download tax card (Finland)

Download tax card (Finland)

This report allows you to retrieve tax card information from therelevant infotype (0205) for the selected employee(s) and saveit in ASCII format.

To create the list successfully, make sure infotype Tax cardinformation (0205) contains valid information for theselected employee(s) and check the tables Additional informationfor personnel area/subarea (T7FI0P) and Time-dependentinformation for personnel area/subarea (T7FI1P).


You can make various selections according to time-dependent andorganizational needs.
Note that if you do not enter a personnel number of a selection ofpersonnel numbers, the system retrieves all the personnel numbers (notrecommended for larger companies).
In addition, you can enter the tax year and set the Test run indicator,which allows you to generate the list without creating the ASCII file.

The report generates a list containing the information stored ininfotype Tax card information (0205) and thecorresponding ASCII file.