SAP Program HFISTBC0 - Blue Collar statistics report

This report generates the salary enquiry for blue collar monthly/ hourlyemployees in all industry types.
The report provides payroll specific information depending on the wagetypes that you assign to cumulation wage types in Statistics for BlueCollar Monthly Employees (STBC) subapplication.
The system filters the result by Employee ID, Employee Group
, Personnel Area or Payroll Area, according to thevalues you select in the selection screen of this report.


  • You must maintain the following infotype records:

  • Actions (0000)
    Organisational assignment ( 0001)
    Personal data ( 0002)
    Planned working time (0007)
    Basic pay (0008)
    Contract elements (0016)
    Finnish tax information (0205)
    Statistics (0033)
    • The payroll results relevant to statistics periods must be available.

    • You must assign the relevant wage types to cumulation wage types in a
    • subapplication (Finnish statistics) STBC and customize them correctly.For more information see view cluster Statutory subapplications

      From SAP Easy Access menu, select Human Resources -> PayrollFinland -> Subsequent activities -> Other Periods ->Reporting -> Quarterly Statistics -> Blue Collar StatisticsReport. You can also access the report through transactionPC00_M44_STBC.
      Blue Collar Statistics Report selection screen appears. ,,
      In the Selection section, enter the employee selection criteria.
      In the Statistics ID selection section enter the Statistics ID.
      In the Year and quarter selection section:
      Enter the year for which you want to generate the report.
      Select the appropriate radiobutton to choose the appropriate quarter ofthe selected year.
      Enter the beginning and end date of the quarter, for which you want togenerate the report. If you do not maintain a date here, the systemdefaults the standard quarter dates, considering the year as the periodspanning from January to December. For example, the system defaults thefirst quarter as period from 01.01.yyyy to 31.03.yyyy, where yyyy is theyear that you maintain on the selection screen of this report.
      Enter the beginning and end of date of the fourth quarter of the year.The system reports the yearly statistics along with the fourth quarterof the year. If you do not maintain the dates here, the system defaultsthe fourth quarter as a period spanning from 1.10.yyyy to 31.12.yyyy,where yyyy is the year that you maintain on the selection screen of thisreport.
      In the ALV output selection section:
      Select the Finnish(EK) text field if you want the system todisplay the ALV with Finnish data field names.
      Select the Other text field if you want the system to display theALV as per your logon language.
      In the Other Parameters section:
      Select the Create txt file indicator, in case you want the systemto generate the report in text file format. If you select thisindicator, by default the system saves the txt file in the pathC:\Test.txt. The system displays this path on the selectionscreen.
      In case, you execute the report in background, you have to change thedefault path and give the path of the user directory present on theapplication server along with the file name. For example,\tmp\background.txt
      Select Create Temse file indicator in case you want the system togenerate the report as a Temse file.
      In the List Variant section, you can enter your ALV list layoutvariant.
      To execute the report, select Program -> Execute.
      The Blue Collar Statistics Report output screen appears. On theoutput screen, the report displays the statistical information of theselected employees for the selected statistical quarter and year.