SAP Program HFILTUMF - Download TUM fees from TemSe file (Finland)

Download TUMF file from TemSe

This report, which is used in combination with report Quarterly /semi-annual file for trade unions (HFIFTUM0), allows you towrite the results temporarily stored in the TemSe directory to a fileyou can transfer to your trade union(s) via the Leonia Bank, providedthat you selected the Create TemSe file option in the selectionscreen of the above-mentioned report.
For more information, see the related documentation.

Make sure you have already run report Quarterly / semi-annual filefor trade unions (HFIFTUM0).
For further processing and downloading of the TemSe file you havecreated with this report, choose Payroll Finland > Tools > List TemSeobjects in the SAP Easy Access menu. This list contains all theexisting TemSe objects, sorted by report. Click the activity left tothe file name to create a dataset.


Per default, the Test run indicator is set. This allows you togenerate the list for testing purposes without creating a TemSe file.
Select the TemSe file to download in the corresponding field, thenspecify the file you want the data to be copied to for transfer in theSave to field.

The report reads the data from the TemSe file and generates a list.