SAP Program HFILTEL0 - TEL employment and year statement (Finland)

TEL employment and year statement
This report is valid till financial year 2006. From financial year2007 onwards, use report (HFILTYEL1).

This report allows you to generate up-to-date information for pensioninsurance companies. It consists of a three-monthly statementreporting any start and termination of employment, and of a yearlystatement reporting the pay data of each employee, as well as thenon-paid periods of the previous year.

To create the file successfully:

  • Make sure you have been through the corresponding customizing steps (for
  • more information, see Pension insurance):
    Define pension insurance groups in the corresponding table (T7FI03
    ) for the Group field in infotype Social insurance (
    Define pension insurance departments in the corresponding table (
    T7FI04) for the Department field in the above-mentionedinfotype,
    Define pension insurance funds (payee) and assign a pension contract tothe correct pension insurance and payee in the corresponding table (
    • Check the following infotypes:

    • Organizational assignment (0001),
      Personal Data (0002),
      Social insurance (0206),
      Absences (2001).
      • Make sure you have run the payroll program for the selected period(s)
      • and employee(s).


        You can make various selections according to personnel number, insurancecompany and contract number.
        Note that if you do not enter a personnel number of a selection ofpersonnel numbers, the system retrieves all the personnel numbers (notrecommended for larger companies).
        In addition, you can tell the program to generate the overview either ona quarterly or annual basis and set the following parameters:

        • Reporting date

        • Test run

        • Per default, this indicator is set. It allows you to generate the listwithout writing the output to the database.

          The output is displayed in a two-pane window containing insurance andabsence-relevant info.
          Click the Administration data button to display the selectioncriteria and the name of the TemSe file you have created.
          In addition, the Advanced List Viewer (ALV) provides you with a set oftools that give you insight into the reported data and allows you to setdifferent views and options for filtering and selecting data, displaysubtotals and totals, export data to MS Excel and MS Word, send data asan attachment, or display data graphically.