SAP Program HFILSEA0 - Earnings statement

Earnings statement Finland

This report provides you with an overview of the earnings the selectedemployees received in the previous and current year as well as during aspecified period of time in the current year. The main purpose of thisreport is to print information that can be used for reporting theaccording income situation to the various authorities.

The print-out is done using SmartForms, which offers you a great dealof flexibility in the design according to your business needs.

To print the list successfully:

  • Maintain the following infotypes:

  • Actions (0000),
    Organizational assignment (0001),
    Personal data (0002),
    Addresses (0006),
    • Make sure that all the necessary wage types are assigned to
    • subapplication Earnings statement (FSEA) and customizethem correctly. For more information, see view cluster Statutorysubapplications (VC_T596A.).
      • Make sure you have run the payroll program for the selected period.

      • Use the default SmartForm HRFI_STATEMENT_OF_EARNINGS to display the
      • data retrieved via subapplication FSEA. To set up your ownSmartForm, make a copy of the default form.


        You can make various selections according to time-dependent andorganizational needs.
        Note that if you do not enter a personnel number of a selection ofpersonnel numbers, the system retrieves all the personnel numbers (notrecommended for larger companies).
        In addition, subapplication Earnings statement (FSEA) isselected to retrieve the relevant wage types. The system looks for thecumulation wage types stored in the relevant table (T596G). Youcan add extra wage types in the corresponding customizing table (
        T596J) for evaluation purposes - use above mentioned viewclusterfor easy access.
        You can finally select the SmartForm you want to use (default isHRFI_STATEMENT_OF_EARNINGS) and enter any additional information underAlternative printed values. The values entered in Positionname and Job title override the ones read from infotypeOrganizational Assignment (0001) and are printed on everygenerated form.
        Note that the provided values are only printed on the SmartForm ifdefined. The interface to the SmartForm includes the following values:

        • Run date (date on which the report is run)

        • Employer information (see SE11 > structure P44_SEA_ORG for more
        • information)
          • Employee information (see SE11 > structure P44_SEA_PERS for more
          • information)
            • Salary information (see SE11 > table type P44_SEA_SAL for more
            • information)
              • Footnote 1 - 72-character line

              • Footnote 2 - 72-character line

              • Footnote 3 - 72-character line

              • Contact person - 72-character line
              • Standard_variants
                No standard variant delivered.

                The report retrieves the data from the various infotypes and from thewage types Taxable gross amount (
                /106) andPreliminary
                tax (/401) inthe payroll results table (RT), and generates a ready-to-printlist containing an overview of the earnings of the selected employees.