SAP Program HFILRIP1 - Raise in Pay Comparison Report

Use this report to compare raises in pay given to employees in twodifferent periods. This report retrieves for comparison, the employee'sraise in pay data for the selected periods.

You have maintained history of employee records in subtype FI01-Pay/Salary Increase - Finland of Basic Pay infotype (0008).
Maintaining subtype FI01 in Basic Pay infotype (0008) records
For a raise in pay given to an employee, you must specify the followingchanges in his or her Basic Pay infotype (0008) subtype 0record:

  • Date

  • Amount

  • Reason

  • Through dynamic actions, the system creates a subtype FI01 recordwith the changes. Ensure that you save this changed subtype FI01record.

    Specify the periods for comparison in the RIP Comparison for 2different periods section.
    The report reads employee data based on the following selectionparameters:

    • Wage type

    • Specify basic pay wage type(s) that exist for the selected employee(s).The report reads the value of the wage type(s) to obtain the relevantbasic pay component.
      When you specify a wage type, the report displays only the last recordfor comparison.
      • Infotype

      • In the standard system, this report reads employee records fromBasic Pay infotype (0008).
        • Subtype(s)

        • In the standard system, this report reads employee records maintained inthe following subtype(s) of Basic Pay infotype (0008):
          0 - Basic contract
          FI01 - Pay/Salary Increase - Finland
          • Reason for raise in pay

          • Specify the raise in pay reason for which the report must retrieveemployee data.
            • Output Type

            • Select Output Type as Display Latest Record if you want tocompare latest raise in pay given to an employee in the second periodwith raise in pay given in the first period.
              Select Output Type as Display History if you want tocompare history of the pay raise(s) given to an employee in the twoperiods.

              The report output displays the raise in pay data for for the specifiedperiods. You can view the data for comparision, for example:

              • In the Valid from field, the report displays the begin date of
              • the second period.
                • In the Begin date field, the report displays the dates on which
                • raise in pay records exist for the selected periods.
                  • In the Old Amount field, the report displays the amount present
                  • in the selected wage type during the first period.
                    • In the New Amount field, the report displays the amount present
                    • in the selected wage type during the second period.

                      On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Europe -> Finland -> SubsequentActivities -> Period- Independent -> Other -> Raisein Pay Comparison.
                      Enter the relevant selection criteria.
                      To execute the report, choose Program -> Execute.

1017731Raise in Pay functionality in Finland solution