SAP Program HFILPEN0 - List of employees legally obliged to change insurance type (Finland)

List of employees legally obliged to change insurance type

This report allows you to generate a list of all the employees legallyobliged to change insurance type (that is from TaEL to TEL or from TELto TaEL).
Employees must switch over from TaEL to TEL when their taxable incomeexceeds the legal limit of 1183,94 FIM (figure: 2001) for twosubsequent months. In this case, the transfer takes place at thebeginning of the second month. Likewise, employees must switch overfrom TEL to TaEL when their taxable income is below the legal limit forsix subsequent months.

Make sure you have run the payroll program for the selected period(s)and employee(s). Note that the results of both normal and retroactivepayroll runs of the last two or six months are taken into account,depending on the insurance type.


You can make various selections according to personnel number,insurance company and contract number.
Note that if you do not enter a personnel number of a selection ofpersonnel numbers, the program retrieves all the personnel numbers.
In addition, you can tell the program to generate the overview foremployees to be transferred either from TEL to TaEL or from TEL toTaEL.

Per default, variant 1_SAP_STAND is used as a model variant.

Depending on the option you have selected, the program generates a listof all the employees switching over either from TaEL to TEL or from TELto TaEL, by retrieving the TEL earnings from wage type TEL/TaELgross amount (/112) in the payroll results table (RT).
In addition, the Advanced List Viewer (ALV) provides you with a set oftools that give you insight into the reported data and allows you toset different views and options for filtering and selecting data,display subtotals and totals, export data to MS Excel and MS Word, senddata as an attachment, or display data graphically.