SAP Program HFILOTR0 - Overtime report (Finland)

Overtime report Finland

This report, which is mainly used for internal purposes, provides youwith a detailed overview of the overtime hours per period for theselected employee(s).
The overtime is checked against limits set in the payroll constantstable (T511K):

  • Overtime limit per week (OVTWK),

  • Overtime limit per quarter (OVT4M),

  • Overtime limit per year (OVTYR).
  • Prerequisites
    Run time evaluation for the whole evaluation period before running thisreport.


    You can make various selections according to time-dependent andorganizational needs.
    Note that if you do not enter a personnel number of a selection ofpersonnel numbers, the system retrieves all the personnel numbers (notrecommended fore larger companies).
    In addtion, you can define the following selection paramaters:

    • Periodicity

    • Allows you specify the periodicity of the evaluation period, eitherweeks or months. If the evaluation period is one year and theperiodicity one month, the whole period is split into 12 periods thatare evaluated separately.
      • Program parameters

      • Allows you specify whether you only want to evaluate each single periodindividually or from the beginning of the year to the selected end dateagainst the yearly limit.
        o ,,Personal overtime limits.
        Allows a customer to specify personal overtime limits via IT 2007(Attendance quotas). Overtime limits can be defined as monthly-,quarterly- or annual bases. The handling of the quotas is similar to theconstant values in T551K. The quotas are linked to the periodicity:
        Periodicity = week
        weekly and annual quotas are valuated.
        Periodicity = month
        Quarterly and annual quotas are valuated
        • Form

        • Per default, form Overtime report (FIOT) is displayed.This form allows you to link time types to the relevant cumulation wagetypes.

          No standard variant delivered.

          The report generates a list containing the overtime hours per employeefor the selected period. It also specifies whether the overtime limithas been exceeded or not.
          In addition, the Advanced List Viewer (ALV) provides you with a set oftools that give you insight into the reported data and allow you to setdifferent views and options for filtering and selecting data, displaysubtotals and totals, export data to MS Excel and MS Word, send data asan attachment, or display data graphically.