Use this report to:

  • Generate the employee Holiday Pay Accruals (HPA) - The report
  • calculates the value of the unused vacation, vacation bonus and leavebank days.
    • Post the employee HPA and the Employer Social Contributions to
    • Financials and Controlling (FI/CO)


      • Absence Quotas Infotype (2006) - To obtain information on current status
      • of an employee's leave quota
        • Absences Infotype (2001) - To obtain information on future absences of
        • an employee.


          • Time Management

          • You have run Time Evaluation report (RPTIME00) in advance for theemployee(s). This ensures that the information on the accrued absencequotas for vacation payments is up to date. Vacation Payments includeVacation Pay and Vacation Bonus.
            • You have run the payroll for the selected employee(s.)

            • Customizing Table

            • You have performed the necessary configurations in the table viewView for Customizing Table for Holiday Pay Accrual report(V_T7FIHPA1).
              For more information, refer to the IMG under Payroll Finland ->Reporting -> Holiday Pay Accruals ->Configure the Rules for HPA Calculations.


              • Report Selection

              • You can generate the following types of reports:
                In this case, the report will calculate HPA based on standardcalculation rules applicable to all industries.
                Forest and Paper
                In this case, the report will calculate HPA based on the calculationrules specific to the Forest and Paper (FP) industry.
                • FI/CO Posting

                • Use this option to post the result of the calculated HPA amounts toFI/CO.
                  • Posting to FI/CO

                  • In this section, specify the conditions for the FI/CO posting, forexample, the posting date, which can be either the current date or amanually entered date. Before posting the results to FI/CO, you cangenerate the results in a test run, or simulate the entire FI/CO postingprocess.
                    If there are accruals that were calculated and posted in a particularmonth, and you want to reverse the accruals in the same month can do sousing the Reversal option. You however, have the option ofReversing the accruals only once in a given month.
                    By default the Reversal option stays unselected. In this case,when you post the accruals for the next month, the system automaticallyreverses the accruals for the previous month.
                    The section Posting to FI/CO is available only when you selectthe FI/CO Posting under Report Selection.
                    • Forest and Paper blue collar settings

                    • Use this section to set the Holiday Pay Accrual calculations foremployees in the FP industry. Enter the wage types and the feature thatthe report must use to identify Blue Collar employees and the constantfor calculating the vacation average.
                      • Wage Types/General Rules

                      • In this section you set the rules for calculating the vacation accrualand bonus, for example, the rate for calculating the bonus or the wagetype that stores the daily rage for long-term absence calculations.
                        • Part Timer Handling

                        • For the part time employees, you can enter details such as the valuationperiod considered for holiday pay accrual and the percentage that thesystem must use to calculate the accrual amount.

                          Holiday Pay Accrual list
                          This lists the holiday pay accrual information for the selectedemployee(s), for example, Vacation Pay, rates for calculating the valueof the accrued vacation and bonus amounts.
                          Also, the Holiday Pay accrual calculations in a standard report maydiffer from the report generated for the FP industry.
                          Holiday Pay Accrual Report with FI/CO Posting
                          The report generates this output only when you select option. When youprocess a simulation run, the report will only display the results of anFI/CO posting but will not post the same.
                          In the case of a test run, the report will generate the test data in theHoliday Pay Accrual list.

                          • The report generates the FI/CO posting information at the Organization
                          • and the Employee Sub Grouping level. When you select the Employeespecific output log, you can also obtain the details at the employeelevel.
                            • Before posting the productive run to FI/CO, ensure that you release the
                            • documents.

                              From the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Europe -> Finland -> Subsequentactivities -> Per payroll period -> Reporting ->New Holiday Pay Accrual along with FICO posting
                              The Holiday Pay Accrual report with FICO Postings screen appears.
                              Enter the relevant details.
                              Choose Program -> Execute.