SAP Program HFILERR0 - Employee representative report Finland


Employee Representative Report - Finland
This report generates an employee representative report used to givethe information about an employee's organizational assignment, workinghours and payroll data to the corresponding employee representative.The report includes two different output structures that are to be runfor different purposes. The report is to be run for,quarterly andyearly bases, depending on a reporting model and type of statistic.

The report selects the employees by employee their representativeassigned in the infotype Organizational Assignment, (IT0001),Supervisor Area field (MSTBR) or via Pay Scale Type in the infotypeBasic Pay (TRFAR, IT0008). Pay scale type states the trade unionagreement applied on the employee. Further selection can be done viapersonnel number, area, group, subgroup provided from Master Data,IT0001. Personal Data (IT0002) provides the complete name of the personand the company name required in the report Model 2.
The report uses program "Quarterly and Annual statistics for HourlyWorkers (HFICSTS0)" to achieve required time and payroll data.

Employee Representative report calls the program Quarterly and AnnualStatistics for Hourly Workers (HFICSTS0) and uses a TemSe file producedby HFICSTS0. Hence, in order to run the Employee Representative reportsuccessfully, the requirements to run HFICSTS0 must be fulfilled.
· Required wage types must be calculated correctly and should beassigned to the corresponding cumulation wage types in able Assigmentof Wage Types to the Cumulation Wages Types (T596*).
· Time evaluation data and
· Payroll data
of the selected time period must be available for the employee beforerunning the Employee representative report.
If an employee selection by Employee representative is used, theemployee representative must be assigned to the employee in IT0001,Supervisor Area.


At the selection screen Employee or a group of the employee can bechosen by:
-organizational assignment
-employee representative assigned to the employees
- pay scale group (called at the selection screen se-group).
Further selection options are:
-reporting model ( Model 1 and Model 2)
-statistics type ( annual or quarterly)
-period of time
This information is mandatory and used for the Quarterly and Annualstatistics for hourly workers (HFICSTS0) report . The report is calledby HFILERR0 in order to achieve required time and payroll data.
Two different output structures (MODEL 1 and MODEL 2) can be generateddepending on the report required. The data files are presented by meansof ALV techniques.
The layout of the file structures is according to Collectiveagreements, Employee's representative agreement (Luottamusmiessopimus). Model 1 includes worked hours and payroll datawithout any personal information. The report is given on yearly basis.Model 2 includes employee's organizational and personal information.