SAP Program HFILAWT0 - Annual working time report Finland

Annual working time report Finland

This report provides you with a detailed overview of the working timessorted by groupings, as prescribed by the Finnish official attendanceand absence classification.

Make sure that you have configured the relevant time wage typescorrectly and that you have run time evaluation for the selectedworkers.

The prerequisites are described under Integration.


You can make various selections according to time-dependent andorganizational needs.
Note that if you do not enter a personnel number of a selection ofpersonnel numbers, the system retrieves all the personnel numbers (notrecommended for larger companies).
In addition, you can enter a free text that will be displayed in thelist header and specify whether you want to run the report on maingroup level or on main group / subgroup level.

The report generates a list containing the total number of working timehours on an annual basis and sorted by working time type.
In addition, the Advanced List Viewer (ALV) provides you with a set oftools that give you insight into the reported data and allows you toset different views and options for filtering and selecting data,display subtotals and totals, export data to MS Excel and MS Word, senddata as an attachment, or display data graphically.