SAP Program HFILAAI0 - Annual accident insurance statement (Finland)

Annual accident insurance statement

This report provides you with a detailed overview containing thefollowing information, as prescribed by the insurance company:

  • Total number of worked hours and hours regarded as such during the tax
  • year,
    • Accident insurance gross amount the selected worker(s) built up during
    • the tax year (based on the taxable gross amount, with the exception ofcompany-dependent wage types),
      • Sum of all the benefits paid during the tax year.
      • Prerequisites
        To create the statement successfully:

        • Make sure you have been through the corresponding customizing steps
        • (for more information, see Pension insurance inthe IMG).
          • Maintain the following infotypes:

          • Organizational assignment (0001),
            Personal data (0002),
            Basic pay (0008),
            Statistics (0033),
            Social insurance information (0206).
            • Make sure you have run the payroll program for the relevant tax year.
            • Features

              You can make various selections according to time-dependent andorganizational needs.
              Note that if you do not enter a personnel number of a selection ofpersonnel numbers, the system retrieves all the personnel numbers (notrecommended for larger companies).
              Additionally, you can use a contract number or a range of contractnumbers to retrieve the necessary information.

              No standard variant delivered.

              The report generates a list containing the accident insurance gross andbenefits amount per employee or group of employees for the selected taxyear. It also contains specific administrative data such as contractnumber and risk group, retrieved from table Pension insurance contracts(T7FI02) and from the relevant field in infotype Socialinsurance information (0206), respectively.
              In addition, the Advanced List Viewer (ALV) provides you with a set oftools that give you insight into the reported data and allow you to setdifferent views and options for filtering and selecting data, displaysubtotals and totals, export data to MS Excel and MS Word, send data asan attachment, or display data graphically.