SAP Program HCNCTAX9 - Individual Income Tax Report (Obsolete)


The program HCNCTAX0 displays the tax results of employees.
When execute the report after filling the selection screen, it willshow the number of successful result and results with error.Double-click on the number field will lead to the detailed basic listfor successful results or error message list for results with error.
If you choose from selection options on the screen "Tax result screenlist", you will get different information on the detailed basic listfor the report that runs successfully.
For example, if you
choose from Category of incomes, you will run tax for salary or
for bonus separately.
choose from Employee tax type, you display employee(s) of each
particular type.
to display the result of off-cycle run: enter pay type, payroll
identifier and pay date in sequence into the three parameter field. Forexample, you choose pay type "B" for correction accounting, enter "2"to indicate it is the second off-cycle payroll run on one same day.
select employees via Tax area, or Tax calculation special
rule, you can get employee(s) within these selection criteria.
mark the flag Sum up result, you sum up the tax result based on
same percentage of tax withholding-fast formula.
Also for the tax report that runs successfully,

  • you can create an electronic file to your local PC.

  • Printout form

  • To print certain columns, you select columns which will not be printedby using the button Hide column/line under the list to removethem.

    How to use