SAP Program HBRUTDOCU - Overview and Documents Maintenance

This program lets the user view all the documents entered in infotypeDocuments (IT0465).
With this program it is possible to:

  • Create new entries for a certain type of document

  • Change and delete existing entries.

  • To create or change an entry, click the symbol "Create" on thedocument, in order to access infotype 0465 and the correspondingsubtype. The new or changed entry is automatically transferred to theprogram.
    To delete existing entries, click the symbol "Delete" on the documentand, in infotype 0465, select and delete the entry in question.

    In the standard system, this program is called automatically, via adynamic action, after infotype 0016 has been filled in, during theaction type "Hiring" (MASSN = 01). To make this to happen in yoursystem, infotype 0016 must be the last in the sequence of infotypes inthe hiring action.
    If you use a hiring action type other than 01, change the dynamicaction of infotype 0016, so that the action type check has the samevalue. This is carried out in the IMG step: PersonnelAdministration -> Customizing work executions ->Dynamic actions.