SAP Program HBRGRFC0 - Guide of FGTS Termination Collection - GFTC

This report is used to issue the FGTS Guide of Collect Termination andSocial Welfare Contribution (FCG), a legal document required from thecompanies in case of termination.
Note: This report, although it is still valid, was replaced by amore updated version. To access the updated version of the report ofFGTS Guide of Collect Termination, follow the below described path:
SAP Easy Access > Personnel > Payroll - America - Brazil -Subsequent activities - Period independent - Analysis - FGTS CollectTermination (FCG)

The following IMG steps have already been customized:

  • Personnel administration -> Organizational data -> Branches and
  • construction sites: Brazil -> Legal and general information:
    Assign personnel areas/subareas to branch groups

    Maintain grouping of branches and/or constructionsites
    Maintain branch information
    Create codes and maintain construction siteinformation
    • Personnel administration -> Organizational data -> Legal and general
    • information -> GCSW information -> Maintain branchinformation for GSW
      • Payroll -> Unions -> Maintain union information

        • Payroll -> Termination -> Master data ->
        • Maintain eligibility information for severance pay.
          The following infotype fields are already filled in:
          Personnel actions,,,,Type of personnel action
          ,,,,Reason for personnel action
          Organizational assignment,,,,Personnel area
          Personal data,,,,Last name
          ,,,,Date of birth
          Memberships,,,,Receiver key
          Personal IDs,,,,ID no. (Subtype 01 - Código SIP/PSHFP)
          ,,,,ID no. (Subtype 03 - Wrk.Card Soc.Welf.)
          ,,,,ID no. (Subtp. 04 - WrkCard SocWelf.Ser.)
          Contract elements,,,,Employment relationship
          ,,,,Worker category
          ,,,,FGTS date

          FCGSWC for for the selected employees. This report is printed via a formdefined in SApscript (HB_BR_GRFC).
          Note: This report uses the following wage types:

          • For remunerations regarding the previous month, when the amounts have
          • not been sent to the bank (field 25):/140/141/142 and/116
            • For field 26: /140

            • /141/142 (without theamount of /336) and
              • For field 27: /336

              • and
                • For field 28: /143

                  • For remuneration without Christmas allowance (field 34):
                  • /144 +/141 +/307
                    • Fields 30 through 33 are calculated from fields 25 through 28,
                    • respectively, applying the correct rate.