SAP Program HBRGPS00 - GSW form printing

This report is used when issuing the "Guide of Social Welfare" (GSW), amonthly legal document mandatory for companies about its employees'contributions to the Social Insurance Body.
The selection screen offers the following options:

  • Selection:

  • Personnel no.
    Employment status - defines the type of relationship between theemployee and the employer
    Declaring company's identification code
    Payroll area
    Personnel area/subarea/cost center
    Employee group/subgroup
    • Other options:

    • Issue GSW by branches
      Branch code
      Construction site code
      Definition of collection type - regular or delayed
      Indication of SIB collection over Christmas allowance
      Indication of SIB collection without Christmas allowance
      Payment code
      Payment date
      Month to be processed
      SAPScript options

      Customizing of the following steps of the implementation guide (IMG):Personnel administration --> Personnel administration -->Organizational data --> Branches and construction sites: Brazil -->Legal and general information:
      GSW information:
      1st Maintain branch information for GSW
      2nd Maintain freight and self-employed informationfor GSW.
      Create codes and maintain construction siteinformation
      Customizing of the field Employment in infotype Contract elements(IT 0016).

      Legal report "Guide of Collect of Social Welfare" (GCSW).

      • Printed format: this report is printed via a form defined in SAPscript.

      • Electronic format: this program generates a TemSe archive to issue the
      • report. To show and export the TemSe archive, run the programShow TemSe archives (HBRUTMS5).

          Note 1:
          The following wage types are used to calculate the SIB amount in thisreport:
          /310 + /320 + /T80 (Child allowance)
          /B04 (Contract wage)
          /121 + /123 (SIB basis)
          /381 + /382 + /383 + /301 + /302 + /303 (SIB contributions)
          /117 (SIB reversal)
          /161+ /162 + /163 (SIB discount leave)
          /164 + /314 (SIB discounts leave and contribution SIB - new design)
          /348 + /349 + /T82 e /T83 (Maternity pay)
          Note 2:
          In order to print the GSW for the competence regarding Christmasallowance, select only the option "Collect Christmas allowance" on theselection screen. In order to generate the GSW with the other values(without Christmas allowance) in the same month, run GSW only with theoption "Other collects" and don't select "Collect Christmas allowance".Select the options "Other collects" and "Collect Christmas allowance"for the months in which the GSW was not generated.

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