SAP Program HBRCLSTR - Report de exibição do Cluster Brasileiro

This report allows the display of the Brazilian cluster contents.
Data records can be selected according to the following criteria:
Personnel number
Interval for competence-period
Record update indicator
Payroll selected records can be displayed as follows:
Options "List" and "Select tables" marked:
You obtain a list of payroll selected records and, by choosing arecord, you can display the contents of each table from a list ofinternal tables.
Only option "List" marked:
You can select a record from the list of payroll selected records. Alltable contents for this payroll record are formated.
None of the previous options is marked:
All table contents sfor this payroll selected records can be displayed.
Using option "Activate table selection/Switch off table selection" youcan discriminate, in payroll selected records list, betweenfunctionality "Selection" and formating of all filled in tables.