SAP Program HARUTMS1 - Temse file display - Original version

This report displays TemSe files generated by the correspondingprograms.

A TemSe file must have been previously generated by an evaluationprogram. The payroll Argentina reports that generat this type of filesare:

  • Generation of Employee Declarations (HARCDGI0)

  • 4th Tax bracket income tax deductions (I.D: 4110) (HARCDGI1, HARCDGI2)

  • ANSeS census report When running this report, the name of the TemSe
  • file generated by one of these programs should be entered in the TemSeFile Name field.

    The program displays the full contents of the TemSe file.
    File management is carried out directly from the output of the programthat has generated the file (e.g. HARCDGI0), through a pusbutton thatappears on the output screen when a data file output option has beenselected in the selection screen.
    Using the payroll management menu, it is also possible to retrieve anddisplay in detail the different types of register that constitute thefile. The details can be generated as an MS-Word or MS-Excel type file,and the TemSe file can also be saved as a data file (Download).

    The TemSe file produced by the program HARCDGI0 (Generation of AnnualIncome Tax Declarations) must be saved in a floppy disk for latersubmission to the Internal Revenue Service (DGI).