SAP Program HARUTMS0 - Display of Temse - Multi-record files

This report displays the TemSe files generated by correspondingprograms.

Before running this report, a TemSe file must have been previouslygenerated by an evaluation program. The payroll Argentina reports thatgenerate this type of file are:

  • Generation of employee declarations (HARCDGI0)

  • 4th Tax bracket deductions (R.G. 4110) (HARCDGI1, HARCDGI2)

  • ANSeS Census report (HARCCEN0)

  • When running this report, the name of the TemSe file previouslygenerated using one of these reports must be entered in the TemSe FileName field.

    The program displays the contents of the complete TemSe file.
    File management is carried out directly from the output of thegeneration program (eg, HARCDGI0), using a button which appears on theexit screen once a data file option has been selected on the selectionscreen.
    It is also possible to recover and view in detail the different recordtypes that form the file through the payroll management menu. Thedetailed presentation allows you to generate an MS-Word or MS-Excelfile type. The TemSe file can also record as a data file (Download).

    The TemSe file produced by the HARCDGI0 program (Generation ofDeclarations) must be recorded on floppy disk for presentation beforethe Internal Revenue Service (DGI).